Thursday, March 6th, 2025 Church Directory
The Orrock town board met at Zimmerman Fire Department for the first time. They will continue to meet there at their regular meeting times until the new town hall building is completed. Pictured left to right: Treasurer Janine Arnold, Clerk Chris Weber, Supervisor Bob Hassett, Supervisor Gary Goldsmith, Chairman Bryan Adams, Supervisor Paul Ellinger, and Supervisor Anne Felber. (Photo by Katherine Cantin.)
The old orrock town hall has now been demolished, and the rubble has been cleared away. The lot is ready for construction of the new town hall, expected to be completed in December. (Photo by Katherine Cantin.)

Orrock seeks solution for speed signage

During their July regular meeting, the Orrock Township Board discussed what to do about the speed limit signs posted in the township. The board recently became aware that the posted speed signs in much of the township do not accurately reflect state statute. Speed limits should be higher in many places than is currently posted. 

The township was in compliance with state ordinance 10 years ago when the ordinance was adopted. Townships at that time were allowed to keep, and enforce, the same posted speed limit signs for 10 years, since it is recommended that the signs be replaced once every 10 years. The idea is that, when it came time for those signs to be replaced, the townships would post the speed matching state ordinance. 

Orrock did not do that. They kept their original posted speeds posted for the full ten years. When signs were updated, they were posted at the old speeds. 

The Sheriff’s office is concerned about enforcing speeds on these roads since the posted speed is not in compliance with the state statute. Any ticket they gave might be overturned in court. 

The town board asked road engineer Kevin Kruger to present an estimate for drawing up a map which would show what the new speeds should be. Kruger said he could do the job for $1,500. 

The board discussed the issue, but were not ready to make a decision yet, and did not have Kruger make the map. 

Sheriff’s Report

Sgt. Austin Turner with the Sherburne County Sheriff’s Department gave his report for the month. He noted some suspicious activity near Ann Lake and the campground. There was a fatal accident involving a local motorcyclist at the intersection of Co. Rd. 5 and 253rd Ave. Officers have responded to several hazardous conditions in the past month, usually involving a branch in the road or similar issue. This summer, school resource officers have been assisting with traffic enforcement. 

Supervisor Anne Felber thanked Sgt. Turner for assisting her with an incident recently. Felber received a complaint from a resident about a reckless driver that often ended up in the ditch in front of their house. Sgt. Turner and the other officers said they would look into the situation. 

Town Hall Construction Update

At the time of the meeting, construction had not yet begun on the new town hall building. The board took a moment to go over the details of the construction one more time before it started. The project is on track to be completed in December. 

The board was asked whether they wanted to run the electrical hookup underground or above ground. It was previously run above ground, but the electrician recommended running underground instead. The board agreed to run underground. 

Next, the board considered colors for the walls and trim, and picked out flooring. 

For the building security, the door will be locked with a card reader. Cards can be given out to those who need to access the building, and can be removed for those who no longer need access (such as contractors, for example). There will be a camera and microphone at the front door so the clerk can see anyone coming into the building. 

Clerk’s Pay 

Supervisor Anne Felber suggested that the Township Clerk, Chris Weber, should be paid out of the building fund for any additional time she spends working related to the construction. Felber brought the issue up at the June meeting, and it was tabled for the July meeting. Weber indicated it would be a hassle to go back and determine how much time, exactly, was spent on construction-related business since she doesn’t work on