Saturday, September 7th, 2024 Church Directory

New Program For Sherburne County Large Animal Owners

(Submitted article)

Small, medium and large tracts of pasture supporting horses, cattle, sheep, bison, lamas and swine are common features of the landscape in Sherburne County.  The SWCD recognizes that managing the land to support these large animals may be difficult due to a variety of constraints such as sandy soils, limited pasture area and/or limited technical support.  
To overcome these hurdles, the SWCD recently secured grant money from the State.  The SWCD has always provided technical and planting assistance to the aforementioned landowners; however, the new money allows for additional support, including cost sharing for practices within a targeted area (extending along the Elk River corridor from the Palmer area to the City of Elk River).  If you own pastured animals and you are interested in having a FREE site consultation with the SWCD please call us!
Practices that are eligible for cost sharing under this program help to increase forage production (includes pasture seeding and grazing plans), reduce flies and costs associated with manure disposal (manure management planning including use of composting bins), reduce muddiness in paddocks (stormwater diversions and infiltration basis) and improve water quality (vegetated filter strips and other infiltration practices).  Practices are not limited to those mentioned above, call to find out more.
The SWCD recently sent surveys to land owners within the target area to find out what current pasture and manure management needs are and what information landowners are interested in learning more about.  In addition to providing site consultations, the SWCD plans to work with the University of Minnesota Extension Service to offer informational workshops based on information learned from the surveys.  For more information visit the SWCD website at: or call Tiffany Determan: 763-360-5563.