Saturday, September 7th, 2024 Church Directory
NEW BECKER LIBRARY MANAGER JEANNETTE BURKHARDT visited the Becker City Council Tuesday to give them an update on the happenings at the library over the past year.

New Library Manager Visits Council

Jeannette Burkhardt, new manager at the Becker Library, gave a rundown of library events for the past year at Tuesday’s Becker City Council meeting.
Burkhardt began her rundown by introducing herself and saying though she has only been at the helm of the library for a little less than the past year, she’s actually been associated with the Becker branch for the past eight years as an assistant to Gail Wilkinson, who retired a while back.
Burkhardt told council the library featured 99 events from October of 2013 to October of this year including book clubs, art shows, magic shows and theater programs. She said over 2,150 people attended the events.
Burkhardt also handed out  a Great River Regional Library event guide and an annual report.
WWTF Project
Water and Wastewater Supervisor Dave Pesola told council he sent out bids recently to three qualified contractors to fix one of the WWTF’s clarifiers. 
All three bids came back lower than the estimated cost ($500,000) and Rice Lake Construction Group out of Deerwood was awarded the project for  a cost not to exceed $377,300.
Pesola said recently the WWTF suffered a mechanical failure to one of its industrial clarifiers that already was  scheduled to be refurbished this fall. The other clarifier is also in need of some replacement and improvements.
The project is budgeted for and is slated to be completed by May of 2015.
Audit Contract
Treasurer Sarah Brunn advised council their current audit contract with Abdo, Eick & Meyers, LLP expired upon completion of the 2013 audit. Since Brunn has only been on staff for such a short time, she asked that council approve a new, one-year contract with AEM for next year’s audit so things will go smoothly.
The proposed cost for this upcoming year is $20,350, which is a 2% increase from 2013.
Brunn said staff reviewed the details of the contract with budget and finance and a new contract with AEM was recommended.
Council concurred.
Unpaid Charges
Brunn asked council to call for a public hearing for Nov. 18 at 5 p.m. to prepare to certify to the county the collection of unpaid weed and utility bills.
Notices have been mailed to the affected homeowners detailing the time and date of the public hearing and giving them one final chance to clear the charges and avoid the certification to their 2015 property taxes.
Council Meeting Dates
Clerk Julie Blesi presented council with a calendar depicting every city council meeting date for the upcoming 2015 year.
Blesi reminded council and the public that council had discussions at their previous executive session about possibly moving the times of the meetings from the current 5 p.m. time. But council decided — by majority — to leave the dates and times as they currently are, for the first and third Tuesday of each month at 5 p.m.
Blesi noted one meeting scheduled for Tuesday, Aug. 4, will be moved to the next day, Wed., Aug. 5 so council can participate in the annual Night to Unite event that day.
Executive Session
Council heard from Brunn about the proposed 2015 rates and budgets for the water department, sewer department and golf course.
The water and sewer departments are proposing an increase in water and sewer rates for 2015. Currently the minimum rate for 3,000 gallons is $18 and Pesola would like to see the rate increase to $18.75 to help overcome the economic downturn and lack of development in the city over the last several years.
The current sewer rate of $6 per 1,000 gallons would increase to $6.25.
All other tiers of the water rates would increase by five cents.
Pesola says the rate increases are necessary in order to work towards adequately funding operational costs and future major capital improvements and repairs to the facilities and infrastructure.
Troy Malo of Pebble Creek Golf presented a year-end projection for 2014, proposed rates for 2015, two budget summaries and the CIP for the golf course.
Malo pointed out the first budget summary presented reflects the discussion on removing the food and beverage service from the golf fund and putting it in the general fund.
The second summary keeps the food and beverage in the golf fund with no projection of revenue, just the expense of $45,700. The first summary shows an operating profit, the second does not.
Malo said the rates would stay pretty much the same with the exception of the Local 9 passes and the 18-hole cart rate. The biggest change is expected to come in the way of adding sales tax to the golf course’s rates.
The loyalty program percentages will also change, doubling in 2015 to benefit those who play more.
Malo says the golf course is seeking a few new pieces of equipment and resuming the master plan to maintain the aging asset. He says these CIP items will be needed to be funded from other sources.
His budget is seeking $200,000 from the levy and an additional $200,000 from other sources.
Up Next
The next Becker City Council meeting is Wed., Nov. 5 due to elections on Nov. 4.