Monday, September 16th, 2024 Church Directory
BACK IN THE SADDLE. Chairman Jeff Schlingmann, left, and Vice-Chairman Mark Knowles were unanimously re-elected to those positions for another year during the organizational meeting of the Haven Township Board of Supervisors Monday night.

New Construction Easements On Haven Agenda

A discussion of new easements required for the proposed construction project in the Sherwood West, election of township officers for the coming year, a raise in “per meeting” and other compensation for board members, administrators and other employees, and updates required on the township’s required Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) application to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency were among the items discussed at the regular meeting of the Haven Township Board Monday night.  A new date was also set for the February regular meeting (Mon., Feb. 24.)

Construction Project
Vice-Chairman Mark Knowles told the board  new construction right-of-way easements must be signed by all of the residents with property adjoining the work zone due to a mistake on the original plan calculations.  The easements have been drafted, and the board must now wait until all of the affected residents have signed them before the project can go forward.
With all the easements in place, the project on 64th Street and 36th Avenue would begin this summer, with a final completion date projected for December, 2015.
An open house was held on Tuesday at the Haven Town Hall, but only one easement has been signed to so far, according to Chairman Jeff Schlingmann.  A number of residents had questions about the new easements, though Schlingmann said he expects that will all be signed in time for the February board meeting.
Officer Election
The board unanimously re-elected Schlingmann to another term as chairman, and also reappointed Knowles to another term as vice-chair Monday night.  ”This is an easy job,” Schlingmann said, “with you guys and gals here.”  Supervisor Kathy Sims-Kosloski said after the vote: “You are the man for the job,” citing the chairman’s diplomatic skills and grasp of bureaucracy.
The board approved a $5 increase in “per meeting” pay for board members and administrators to $80, and a $10 increase in hourly rate to $30 for same.  They also approved a $10 increase in hourly pay for election judges, hall maintenance workers and temporary employees.  Mileage will be $.56 per mile, the federal standard.
Supervisor Mike Pesch questioned whether the voters would approve a raise in pay for the board and others, especially since there was only one resident in the audience for the meeting.  Schlingmann replied that it is “always a bad time to approve a raise,” and he also pointed out that Haven has the lowest taxes in the county.
MS4 Application
The township MS4 application was returned by the MPCA with requests for further information on a number of items, including construction site storm water runoff plans, enforcement procedures, water table measurements, pond assessment procedures and schedule and E. Coli testing procedures on the Elk River Watershed.
Schlingmann said the MPCA letter gives the township seven days to provide the information, and offers technical support if the deadline cannot be met.
The township will need to consider putting funds aside to meet these new state requirements in the future, he said, since the required testing and enforcement will somehow have to be accomplished by the township going forward.
Other Business
The board approved the third Monday of each month as the regular meeting date for the Haven Town Board, except for January and February, when legal holidays conflict with those dates.  The fourth Monday will be the meeting date then.
Supervisor Randy Linn stated the board will be able to approve a finalized budget at the Feb. 24 regular meeting. He also said the annual audit will take place at 6 p.m. on that date, in advance of the 7 p.m. regular meeting.  Pesch informed the board he will be unable to attend the February meeting, as he will be in Costa Rica at that time.
Committee assignments, official repositories and the Citizen as the official newspaper were all retained for the coming year.
Haven Clean-Up Day will be held on Sat., May 17, and all of the volunteers from the Boy Scouts will need to have parental forms completed beforehand, Sims-Kosloski said.