A light agenda meant a quick meeting as the Santiago Twp. Board met Wednesday night.
Road Report
Chairman Stuart Nelson heated up when the topic of roads was discussed as he expressed his frustration with the county on them dragging their feet when it comes to repairing them.
Nelson suggested Clerk Kathy Woolard invite the county engineer or public works director to the next meeting to hear their gripes. Nelson said he especially is interested in hearing why Santiago Twp.’s roads continue to be at the bottom of the county’s priority list year-in and year-out.
“We need to ask them what work is being done in the township by the county and ask why we aren’t being heard,” Nelson said. “Maybe even invite our county commissioner here to hear our complaints.”
Nelson especially is concerned about Co. Rds. 3 and 16.
Woolard said she would try to invite them out to an upcoming meeting.
Member Dave Jehoich said he’s seen a lot of discarded appliances and household items strewn about the ditches in the township. He said he’s seen chest freezers, TVs, tires, appliances and even cement blocks.
Jehoich also noted there are some holes on the shoulders of 7th Street and Dave told the board it is getting looked at this week.
Jehoich was advised there are a couple road signs down in the township including a stop sign along the Gilyard property and a sign on 86th at the “s” curve. Jehoich said he’ll look into the stop sign issue but said the sign on 86th is a county issue.
Fire Report
Matt Weber of the fire department said there wer 28 calls for service in February with seven being in direct connection to Santiago. Weber said of the reports, five were medical and two were car accidents.
Weber said all the pressure washers came into the department and also noted the fire station took in some money from a recent pancake breakfast that helped pay to get scene lighting put on engine #3.
Parks Report
Weber said not much is going on at the parks (understandably) but said the parks committee is considering charging people and organizations who want to rent the ballfields in the township.
Annual Meeting
The board reminded everyone in attendance their annual township meeting is set for Tuesday and basically the same topics will be discussed as in previous years. The budget and election results will also be on the agenda.
Sheriff’s Report
Deputy Andy Oaches said his department received 50 calls for service last month. He said that number is not unusual for this time of year but did say traffic issues have risen since last year.
Other News
The board reminded people there is a board of equalization meeting coming up April 10 at 9 a.m. Jehoich also reminded the board there are one-day workshops running from March 20 to April 7 designed for township officers, supervisors, clerks and treasurers.
The training sessions are a great chance to be up-to-date on current legislative happenings, get clarification of responsibilities, become orientated in township duties, speak with our trainers or attorneys one-on-one, and get together with other township officers from ones area.
The Santiago Twp. Clean-Up Day event is coming up at the end of April. The location for the clean-up will be Centra-Sota Co-op at 2188 165th Avenue in Santiago Twp. and is on April 29 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Questions? Call Shelley Jehoich at 763-662-2012.
Up Next
The next Santiago Twp. Board meeting is April 12 at 7 p.m.