Tuesday, February 11th, 2025 Church Directory
Mayor Tracy Bertram ended her final council meeting by saying “thank you”. (Patriot Photo by Don Bellach)

Mayor Bertram expresses gratitude at final meeting

The meeting of the Becker City Council had an emotional ending on Tues., Dec. 17. Mayor Tracy Bertram wrapped up her mayoral duties of leading the council by giving a heartfelt closing statement.  She began that statement by thanking the other members of the council and city staff. 

“We have a great team put in place and I couldn’t be prouder of the work that you do,” she said.

Bertram reflected on her tenure as both Mayor and Council Member. 

“I’ve had a wonderful time,” she continued.  “Sixteen years ago, I got involved just because I was curious about what was happening in my community and, never to this day, did I think I would sit in this seat, but here I am.  I’ve enjoyed my time.” 

Bertram’s final thank you was for her family. 

“A huge thank you to my family for all the dinners that I’ve missed and all the birthday parties I did not attend because I was here representing the city in that capacity.” 

Park and Rec Year End Summary

Director Josh Kuha gave a summary of the many projects completed to Becker City Parks & Rec in 2024.  

Kuha began by acknowledging the incredible team that was involved - the Parks & Rec Department, city staff, Planning Commission and Public Works. 

In total, $1,624,000 was spent on projects and improvements. Funds in the amount of $427K from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) passed in 2021 was used to build the Becker Archery Range and make improvements to the Becker Community Park, updating the pavilion and improving accessibility. The archery range should be ready for use this spring. 

Another $114,166 was donated. Of those donations, $86,500 came from the Becker Lions for the completion of Snuffy’s Landing.  BYSA Youth Football and Baseball donated $19,666 for upgrades at the Becker Athletic Complex.  The city paid to repave the parking lots at Pleasant Valley Park and Kolbinger Park.  The city also replaced equipment and the skatepark at Kolbinger Park.  Lastly, over $500K was spent for improvements at the Becker Community Center. 

Interim Police Chief Named

Mike Meehan was named as Interim Police Chief until a new candidate is identified and hired.  Meehan was the Police Chief of South Minnetonka Police Department and served as the Assistant Chief in Crystal, MN.  He recently served as Assistant Director of the POST board, the state police licensing agency. 

Meehan was hired to be part-time, however, the contract is flexible enough to allow for additional time as circumstances require.  As part of the appointment, Meehan will reactivate his peace officer’s license. 

Phase One Delayed

City Administrator Greg Lerud announced a delay to Phase One of the City Hall/Police HQ project and said completion of that phase would be mid-January.  Outside brick work had been completed and cement was poured in the Police garage. 

Options Contract Renewed

The city renewed its contract with Options, Inc. of Big Lake for cleaning services to City Hall, streets, Public Works, Police HQ, and the Wastewater Treatment Plant facilities.  Options is a private, nonprofit offering services that develop and maintain life skills for people with developmental disabilities or related conditions so individuals can fully participate in their community.