Tuesday, January 7th, 2025 Church Directory
LAURA ANDERSON, Dispatch Supervisor with Sherburne County.

Law Enforcement Survey Seeks Public Opinion

A public survey just released by the Minnesota Sheriffs Association could be used to influence the way law enforcement will look in the future. 
“Because of recent public opinions by some across the state and across the nation, we thought it was important for the Minnesota sheriffs to take the lead,” says Sherburne County Sheriff Joel Brott. “We want to get public input as to what their opinions are and to help provide the framework for law enforcement to consider what that might look like.”
Law enforcement officials across the state have been asked to engage their community stakeholders in the public to answer the survey. Brott says it has been sent to the county commissioners, county administrator, all county department heads, all the area chamber of commerces, township and city officials, school districts and the faith-based community.
 “We’ve asked them to forward it to those in the community and ask them to respond to the survey,” says Brott. “Our objectives are to look at how we can provide public safety services in a more efficient and effective  way. This survey is one way for us to identify what the community is thinking.”
Some of the questions and statements include: 
• How satisfied are you with current law enforcement in your community?
• I believe that I will be treated with courtesy and compassion by law enforcement personnel.
• I believe that law enforcement is effective at preventing crime in my community.
Survey-takers are also asked to rank the tasks officers perform in order of  importance, and list the traits they believe law enforcement personnel should have.
The survey also has sections where the public can write about the strengths, weaknesses and areas of improvement needed by their law enforcement personnel.
Brott says the survey is not directed at any particular law enforcement department. The survey is exactly the same whether it’s taken by Sherburne County residents or someone from another part of the state. It was developed by an outside research firm, which will compile the results.
“This is the big picture - what does Minnesota law enforcement look like to its residents,” says Brott.
The survey was first distributed in October. Brott says the goal is to have the public respond as soon as possible.
“We’d appreciate folks taking the survey in November so we get the data in,” He says. “We are looking at having the survey done and recommendations ready by the first quarter of 2016.”
Brott says the aim of the Minnesota Sheriffs Association is to state a vison and make recommendations that will best enable law enforcement to contribute to the quality of life in Minnesota. And that mean’s taking the public’s input seriously.
“If there’s something the community is seeing and we’re not, we want to know about it. We want to do something to address it,” he says. “This is a real opportunity for community members to have their voices heard.”
The survey can be found online at www.mnsheriffs.org