Monday, September 16th, 2024 Church Directory
CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATES. Terrance Vander Eyk from Bogart, Pederson Engineering provided estimates for a series of road construction projects to the Palmer Town Board Monday night. The projects are not under immediate consideration, supervisors said, but the township needed to have the estimates on file as future work becomes necessary.

Lake And Road Issues In Palmer

A resolution to allow the township to extinguish certain road rights of way, postponement of a public hearing on a cartway request from a property owner and citizen complaints relating to fishing and high-water restriction violations were among the items discussed at the regular meeting of the Palmer Township Board Monday night.

The board also heard a presentation from Terrance Vander Eyk of Bogart, Pederson Engineering regarding five potential road projects in the township.  Chairman Mike Ganz stated that the projects are not planned for the immediate future, but that the township wanted to have the preliminary engineering work and estimates done now to prepare for needed work in the future.  Treasurer Roger Johnson said that the projects should be brought up at the next township annual meeting, so as to give residents an idea of what work is needed and the attached costs.
Road Resolutions
The board unanimously approved Resolution 2014-3 after a public hearing on the matter inside the regular meeting time.  The resolution gives the township the right to extinguish a portion of the right-of-way in the plat of Lake Julia Park.
The resolution cites Minn. Stat. 164.06, subd. 2, which gives the township the authority to extinguish right-of-way due to insufficient width, age (plated 88 years ago), and a lack of any township funded improvements.  With extinguishment, the rights-of-way will accrue to the adjacent landowner.
A public hearing will be held on Mon., July 14 at 7:55 p.m. during the regular board meeting in regard to the extinguishment of the Nicollet Ave. road right-of-way in the plat of Lake Julia Park.
The board also voted to postpone a public hearing on a cartway petition from David Westby which had been scheduled for Monday night.  If necessary, a public hearing on the request will be held at 7:45 p.m. on Mon., July 14.
Sheriff’s Report
The sheriff’s dept. report for May showed 88 calls for service, according to Capt. Robert Stanger. These included 31 traffic stops resulting in seven citations, a burglary investigation and 20 warning tickets and one citation issued on area lakes.  Five citations have been issued to date on area lakes in June, Stanger said.  The report also included notification of the theft of copper wire from an irrigation system in Haven Township, and two reports of attempted fraud.
Several residents complained of fishermen exceeding the no wake rules in regard to the current high water conditions. Complaints were also raised about the use of lights on the water, loud music late at night and the use of off-color language in the boats that is audible on shore.  Dead carp left in roadside ditches were also reported during the meeting.
Stanger stated that residents must call complaints in to the sheriff’s department while the problems are taking place, and that evidence of a violation and the number of the boats involved would be helpful to enforcement personnel. He also said that carp fishing with lights is legal, and language is protected under the law in many cases, making it difficult to prosecute such cases.  Dumping dead fish is illegal, he said, but the perpetrators must be caught in the act before action can be taken.
Other Business
Road construction estimates presented by Vander Eyk included the following projects:  Cedar Point, 5,670 linear ft., $95,866.68’ 48th St., 1,574 linear ft., $34,532.50; 109th Ave. (#1), 2,840 linear ft., $95,519.13; 109th Ave. (#2), reclaim entire length, $104,045.49; 42nd St., 1,560 linear ft., $62,282.81, and 12th St., 2,470 linear ft., $20,125.00.
Several of the bids can be modified by using reclaimed materials and other changes, which Vander Eyk told the board would be provided to them this week.  The estimates and proposals will remain on file with the township for future consideration, Ganz said. 
Johnson reported that the annual Clean-Up Day in Palmer drew 160 participants, though no cost figures are available as yet.  Ganz said that 170 kids have signed up for the Monday night baseball program at Palmer Park.  The board also recorded a contribution of $8,000 from the Clear Lake Lion’s Club for playground equipment for the park.  The total cost is expected to be $19,000 for the updated play equipment.
Briggs Lake Chain Association President Dan Merchant reported that 60 acres of Briggs Lake have been sprayed for curly leaf weed control, and that efforts are underway to combat the appearance of Eurasian water milfoil that has been discovered in Rush Lake.  The annual July 4th fireworks display is on track, Merchant said, and is expected to be larger this year.