Friday, October 18th, 2024 Church Directory

Isagenix Is The Real Deal

All I can say at this point in my 30+ day challenge is this... going with Isagenix and Kristi Youngdahl was the best decision Terri and I have made for our well-being in a long time.

Simply put, Isagenix has given us our lives back.
Over four weeks ago, Terri and I got brave and invested — not only our money — but our energy, fervor and spirit into building a healthier body and mind for our declining years. 
At 51 and 48 years of age, we decided to start eating right and doing light exercise (for now). I have lost 19 pounds while Terri has lost 17 — four and five pounds just this past week — and Terri is off most, if not all, her medications, we have way more energy then we had before and we’ve lost inches off our waists, hips, arms, necks and legs.
And though a lot of people may balk at spending the amount we spend each month on this remarkable system, we no longer hit the fast-food or sit-down restaurants and our grocery bills are much less than they’ve ever been before. We are spending more time at home preparing our own meals and we are thoroughly enjoying the idea of discovering new, healthy ways to nourish our bodies rather than make them even more toxic.
I’m not saying the Isagenix system is the fountain of youth, but it sure feels like it!
As I said in last week’s article, the numbers don’t lie (Terri’s biometric results) and our own body measurements. 
Youngdahl has been the ideal coach and healthy living expert and has always been there for us through this entire venture. She’s met with us personally, corresponded with us over the phone and been in contact with us via the group’s Facebook page at every beckon call.
Her spunk, her enthusiasm and her positive example have been an inspiration — and always will be — for both Terri and I.
We are not turning back either. Just like any “health food craze” or “diet program” that people join, if you go back to your old ways, all that time and effort goes to waste.
We don’t intend to “re-toxify” our bodies anytime soon. Plus, we’re off that Diet Coke habit and are no longer putting unnatural sweeteners in our bodies.
We’re eating more natural foods, more vegetables, more fruits — just the way God intended.
Terri and I still have a little ways more to go on our weight loss and can’t wait to see how the next few  months of this program will make us feel. In general, it is said it takes four weeks for you to notice your body changing, eight weeks for your friends and 12 weeks for the rest of the world.
All I can say is, thank you Kristi Youngdahl for introducing us to not only Isagenix, but to life.