Thursday, March 6th, 2025 Church Directory
"AND THE WINNER IS..." Sherburne History Center Exec. Dir. Mike Brubaker announced the election of SHC Board President Teresa Warner to a new three-year term at the annual meeting Tuesday night. Treasurer Carol Kolbinger also was re-elected to a three-year term, with one board seat remaining to be filled.
VOLUNTEERS HONORED. Staff and volunteers mingled after the annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner at the Sherburne History Center Tuesday night.
RAILROAD MAN. Twin Cities author Steve Glischinski brought "Minnesota Railroads" his latest book, along to a presentation he gave at the annual meeting of the Sherburne History Center board Tuesday night. A life-long train buff, Glischinski included a series of slides he has taken of of trains from the age of steam up until the present day in his presentation.

History Center Honors Volunteers

The Sherburne History Center held its annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner Tuesday night in the commons room at the facility.  The organization also held its annual meeting the same night, and elected officers to fill two of the three vacant seats on the SHC board, and enjoyed a presentation by a visiting Twin Cities author.
Following the dinner, SHC Exec. Dir. Mike Brubaker gave an overview of activities at the center, which will be producing over 80 different programs this year alone.  These will include special presentations, field trips by schools and organizations, and other on-going events such at the “Rhythm and Brews” and “Autumn Lights” fund-raisers, spring Ice Cream Social, Christmas Tree Festival and the monthly book club discussions.
Following his remarks, the floor was opened for nominations for SHC board officers.  President Teresa Warner and Treasurer Carol Kolbinger were elected to new three-year terms by voice vote, while Brubaker said he was confident the third seat could be filled before the organizational meeting in January of next year.
Author Visit
Following the annual meeting, the audience enjoyed a presentation by Twin Cities author Steve Glischinski, who brought along a copy of his latest book titled: “Minnesota Railroads”, which details the history of the railroads in Minnesota from 1940 to the present day.
Glischinski shared his life-long love of railroads with the audience, showing slides of many famous trains from the steam-powered era as well as more modern examples, including recent pictures of trains running through Becker.
He recalled how he and his brother would sneak into the train yards at St. Paul’s Union Depot and stand and marvel at the huge locomotives.  Engineers would often ask the boys if they had “ever been in the cab of a real train?” They would always reply, “Gosh, no, never!” After that, they would most often be invited to tour the control room of the engine, a scam they worked many times over the years.
Glischinski also spoke of the hard times the railroads experienced after WW II, and the current prosperity they now enjoy.  Billionaire investor Warren Buffet currently owns the Burlington, Northern and Santa Fe line, he said, and he has recouped his investment in that railroad in a very short time.  He also said that the railroad infrastructure is also better now than at any time in recent history, and cited the concrete “sleepers” and endless rail now being installed in Becker as examples of modern technology moving the railroad business today.