Friday is the BHS Class of 2019’s graduation and commencement. The class motto is from Margaret Mead and goes: “Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world. It is the only thing that ever has.”
Two-hundred and fourteen students are expected to graduate with 34 of them graduating with honors. They will be introduced by Asst. Supt. Jean Duffy.
This student class is also devoting graduation to their fallen classmate, Brianna Bertram, who died from cystic fibrosis in 2014.
Friday’s program will include music from the band and choir students, directed by Craig Vogl and Gretchen Bordson. The Star Spangled Banner will be performed by Emma Tweten.
This year’s speakers will be seniors Megan Nelson, Amber Vogl and Hannah Bengtson.
Seniors Jordan Gruenes and Megan Nelson will be introducing this year’s Hall-Of-Famers that include Phil Knutson (Class of 1987) and Susan Peterson (Class of 1964).
Dr. Stephen Malone, in his final graduation appearance, will be presenting diplomas along with Becker School Board Chairman Aaron Jurek. The graduates’ names will be read by Nancy Lorentz and Melissa Nicolas.
Hannah Bengtson and Bryanna Edling will announce the tassel ritual and Fanfare and Recessional will close out the festivities, performed by the high school wind ensemble.