Wednesday, November 27th, 2024 Church Directory
ASSISTANT ZONING Administrator Lynn Waytashek.

Funds Available For Septic Replacement

Single-family homeowners who need to replace a failing septic system will have the opportunity to receive a grant from Sherburne County to cover part of the replacement cost.
Earlier this month, the board adopted a new program that offers low-interest loans to county property owners who need their septic systems replaced.
Under that program, a property owner could get a loan of up to $20,000, which would be paid back as a special assessment on the property over a five or 10-year term.
That loan covers installation, plumbing and electrical work, holding tanks, seeding over the installation area, connection to a municipal sewer system if applicable and installing a new water well if required.
Tuesday, Assistant Zoning Administrator Lynn Waytashek said the planning and zoning department received a grant of $28,114 through the Clean Water Land and Legacy Amendment for a similar purpose. 
Since the grant amount would only cover one or two systems, instead of awarding the grant to fully fund a septic system replacement, zoning staff felt is should be used to cover up to 25% of the cost for a number of systems to help a greater number of residents.
There are income guideline to be eligible for the grant. The maximum limit for households with one individual over 18 is $46,050. That number increases to $52,650, $59,200, $65,800 and $71, 050 respectively for households from two to five. 
 “The property owner will have to provide to the county two years of IRS income tax returns,” said Waytashek.
Property owners would be eligible to either pay the remaining 75% on their own, or they can apply through county’s loan program.
“The 25% would be a check we issue directly to the septic installer after the system is installed,” said Waytashek, “not to the property owner.”
Under the grant agreement, the funds need to be spent by Dec. 31, 2018.
Park Grant
The board approved a grant application through the MN DNR’s Outdoor Recreation Grant Program in the amount of $150,000.
If awarded, the money will cover a portion of the cost for trail improvements and construction of a boardwalk in Grams Regional Park. The total cost of the project is estimated at $600,000.
Road Project Bid
The board awarded the bid for pavement marking on various county roads to AAA Striping Service at $167,137.25. Other bidders were: Sir Lines-A-Lot ($167,260,06), Traffic Marking Service Inc. ($178,966.28) and Swanson Equipment Co. ($205,602). The engineer’s estimate was $180,700.15.
Other Business
In other action the board:
• Approved the final contract payment of $22,147.10 to Knife River Corp. for the Co. Rd. 66 mill and overlay project;
• Awarded the contract to Jaak, LLC for installation of LED Stop signs at the intersections of Co. Rd. 1 and 4 and Co. Rd. 16 and 11 at a cost of $8,620;
•  Renewed the Remote Electronic Alcohol Monitoring Grant with the MN Dept. of Corrections for 2018 and 2109 in the amount of $11,000 per year.