Saturday, September 7th, 2024 Church Directory
CUSTOMER SERVICE. Sherburne State Bank President Kevin Doty and Vice-President Tanya Danielson (in blue SSB polos) greeted attendees at the "customer appreciation luncheon on the lawn" at the bank in Becker Wednesday afternoon. The event featured a free picnic lunch, balloons and a bounce castle for the kids.
SUMMER OF FREEDOM. Sno-cones were just the thing as residents of all ages enjoyed the perfect weather at the customer appreciation luncheon sponsored by the Sherburne State bank Wednesday afternoon, which is a part of the week-long Freedom Days celebration in Becker.
OUTDOOR FUN. A large croup of area residents enjoyed a free meal under the big white tents on the lawn at the Sherburne State bank in Becker Wednesday afternoon as the bank hosted its customer appreciation "luncheon on the lawn".
GOTTA BOUNCE. Youngsters had a ball in the bounce castle on the lawn at the Sherburne State Bank Wednesday afternoon as the bank hosted a free outdoor customer appreciation luncheon.

“Freedom Days” Lunch At Sherburne State Bank

An enthusiastic crowd was on hand Wednesday afternoon as the Sherburne State Bank in Becker took its turn at hosting one of the many Freedom Days celebrations in the city this week. The SSB event was billed as a “customer appreciation luncheon on the lawn”, and featured SSB staff in blue company polo shirts manning the outdoor grill and serving the free lunch to all attendees under a large white tent.

In addition to the endless stream of hamburgers, hot dogs and picnic treats, kids got bright helium-filled balloons, and a chance to burn off some energy in the large air-supported “bounce castle” organizers had set up on the lawn, near the ice-cream truck that was a magnet for kids of all ages at the event.
SSB Vice-President Tanya Danielson said the event had served “more than 200 plates” of food shortly after noon on Wednesday. With temperatures in the high 70’s and partial overcast, the day was perfect for an outdoor lunch and a chance to visit with friends and neighbors under the big white tent.