Thursday, September 19th, 2024 Church Directory

Flooding And Road Issues Top Discussions At Becker Twp.

In a very long meeting last Monday, the Becker Township Board covered an extended sheriff’s report, metes & bounds for a parcel of land, planning commission updates, resident flooding concerns, road issues and conducted a joint planning meeting with city officials midway through the evening.

Road Report
Engineer Terrance VanderEyk said a regional planning group has been brainstorming transportation issues including the railroad, a I-94 to Hwy. 10 connection and other concerns. The City of Monticello is funding the group coordinator and the group members include representatives from the City  and Townships of Becker, Big Lake and Monticello.
Eyk said the recent sealcoating and fog seal projects went well and asked for an approval of a payment to the county for the amount of $65,628, which was approved. Eyk said Striping for 77th Street and 109th Street should occur later this month. Striping of 102nd will be scheduled after the bituminous surfacing is complete.
Dust control was applied to Garden Grove Rd. on June 26 and Eyk said after blading was done, there are spots of gravel showing that is untreated and exposed. The board recommended blading be done only after a heavy rainfall.
Shoulder widening for 137th came in with a price tag of $252,000, $40,000 over the original estimate due to the lack of opportunity to stake the road. Board Members voted to approve a partial payment of $83,000 for the work performed.
Water Drainage Issues
Eyk said Hidden Haven has a drainage issue and the wetlands area is taking in the water and is super saturated, backing up into yards. Since the water is accumulating in the common area, the homeowner’s association is responsible for the issue.
Eyk presented a designed swale to the board for Garbrian Woods. Eyk said the swale has been staked and now the land owner is not okay with the design. The area was staked based on preserving all 20-foot trees but the land owner doesn’t care about the trees, just would like the swale to move water to drainage area sooner.
Becker Twp. Attorney Dick Schieffer said it sounds like something that may require a developers agreement so all parties involved can agree and sign off on.
The estimate for the project is $13,695 plus legal fees for easements.
Tina Warwick presented concerns about the swamp in her front yard and Eyk said things are draining how they are supposed to. Warwick is concerned the drainage was not properly designed because she gets water tracks in her yard when she mows.
Eyk suggested he would look at the situation and possibly clean out the culvert where a root ball is situated.
Mike Gunderson had a request for the county to qualify for wetlands encroachment (up to 2,500 square feet) but the county needs a letter from Eyk stating the encroachment won’t affect other properties. The board said by getting rid of the high spots in the swale should get the water moving towards the river.
Schieffer reiterated that no work is to commence before easements are in place and signed by all parties.
Planning Commission
Resident Mr. Farr was issued a second notice of violation issued by Joint Planning Board. 
A site inspection was held Monday and it showed all was cleaned and fenced in. Mr. Farr also provided written notification detailing vehicle information. He has satisfied the requirements of the violation notice. No further action required.
Members of Schmidt South Acres (off 137th) have requested the township consider adopt a roadway to allow for a single parcel (that is not attached) to be split into two separate parcels.
Township adoption of the road would provide the 200’ road frontage required so the parcels could be sold.
Children of the original owner wish to sell, but cannot sell the property as two parcels as it currently exists.
As it sits, public easement was granted to neighboring owners but not to the public. The easement is 66’. The owner of the property would need to obtain the easement prior to any possible roadway adoption could be considered.
The road would also need to be built up to township standards, including pavement, before the township could consider adopting the roadway.
The road would serve three or four properties.
The town board prefers that once road is built, they’ll accept it for township maintenance. Apparently, the original owner promised the homeowners a road, but it never happened (built in 1993). Schendzielos and Sons plows the road if more than 4” snowfall and blades in summer at homeowners’ expense.
Board members said the standard procedure is a special assessment preceding road building to connect to somewhere and assess owners for expense. If this is done, the township would need to be given easements of 66’ all the way through.
An estimate to get the road to township standards was provided in 1999/2000 and the cost at that time was considered too high.
Board voted to take no action on the issue until they receive more information.
Sheriff’s Report
Sgt. Dan Franks said 195 calls for service came into the sheriff’s department last month, including 114 traffic stops. Three calls were for fraud. These have been in the form of cashier’s checks that come in the mail. The checks are written for too much and the individual is asked to cash the check and send the extra to an address. Franks advised the public not to do this. The checks do not clear and the individual asked to cash the check is then on the hook for the entire amount.
Franks said there have been three shooting complaints. It is legal to shoot on private property in the township as long as it is being done in a safe manner with a proper backstop materials.
Mark Haugen told the board and the sheriff’s department he has a neighbor issue. Haugen says three surveys were completed and now a temporary structure of his neighbors sits 3-½ feet on his property. The neighbor originally agreed to move the structure, then changed his mind and has removed the survey stakes. 
Planning and zoning staff indicated that they visited the site  July 18 and found a fence that is 11 feet tall. This is a violation of the township’s ordinance. A letter was sent by the building official regarding ordinance and that the fence needs to be brought into compliance. The letter will also indicate to Mr. Smith that he needs to submit a survey that shows the fence is in the correct location.
Attorney Schieffer said if the neighbor was seen moving the stakes, it can be prosecuted and this information should be directed to the sheriff’s department.
Haugen mentioned threats issued from his neighbor and Schieffer said a threat of assault is assault. This information needs to be given to law enforcement. If the threat is to public safety – this needs to go to law enforcement.
Sgt. Franks indicated that the survey can be done with the sheriff’s department present to assure safety of all involved.
Kris Levanduski and her husband would like to put together a National Night Out neighborhood gathering. Though this is only a few weeks away, she asked if the township had any guidance. Clerk Lucinda Messman provided the name and phone number of Deputy Roxanne Schreder, who had contacted the township office wondering if any events were occurring within the township. 
The town board indicated they would assist by making sure the event is publicized on the website at:
Other Business
• Forfeited land sale by county needs approval. Motion to approve forfeited land sale was approved;
• Population estimates have been released. As of April 1, 2013 population estimate is 5,054. Households 1,561;
• SWCD Grant for manure management – brochures are on the table at township hall and on website;
• Hospital Board – one seat open for Becker Township resident – affidavit for candidacy available in township office. Candidate must reside in Becker Township. Filing opens July 29 and closes Aug. 12.
The next Becker Township Board meeting is Aug. 18 at 7 p.m.