Saturday, September 7th, 2024 Church Directory

Economic Development Discussed At Last Twp. Board Meeting

Kathleen Heaney and Dan Weber gave an economic development presentation three weeks ago at the Becker Township Board meeting.
This year, Heaney and Weber have a strategic plan for the county as a whole and an economic development strategic plan to bring new business in, help existing business grow and collaborate with other partners. 
They requested the board approval and the board agreed the plan looked beneficial and applauded the idea of providing opportunities through partnerships. The board also asked about grant programs and were told job creation and tax base are some of the criteria used before money can be handed out.
The board approved the resolution unanimously.
Snowmobile Trails
A resolution was presented to the board to consider permitting the use of certain township road right-of-ways by the Sherburne County Snowmobile Trail Association for the upcoming winter season.
The resolution is reviewed and the renewal is voted on annually.
The board heard that the association reveals they will carry a $1 million liability policy to make sure the township and private land owners) are  never considered liable should a suit arise.
Motion carried.
Residential concerns
Speed bumps and additional 25 mph speed limit signs were requested for 166th and 173rd.
The board said state statute requires signs to change to 35 mph from the current 25 mph. At the time the 25 mph signs were put up, the board incorrectly thought they were legally able to do that. They have now learned otherwise.
With the higher speed limit, it’ll negate the need for speed bumps and will allow the township to remove “slow, children at play signs”. The Minnesota Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices no longer recognizes the “Watch for Children” signs as valid traffic control signs.
The board had much discussion on the topics presented and suggested several things to do including contacting a state representative to see if they can help give Townships the ability to set 25 mph speed limits. The board also encourages residents and neighbors do the same.
The board also wants to contact dispatch every time speeding and unsafe driving is identified and suggested cutting back trees on those two roadways. Clerk Lucinda Messman was directed to contact a brushing contractor.
Planning Commission
Amanda Othoudt, reporting for the planning commission, said a property — located at 11900 165th Ave SE is in violation as a property without proper permits. A original letter identifying the property as being in violation was sent a while ago and Attorney Dick Schieffer recommended (and Board directed) that a second notice of violation be sent. 
Schieffer said this new notice should be recorded at the county so it can help protect any future buyers that search. 
The board looked into a boundary line adjustment for the Smith family’s property, changing five-and-30-acre parcels to a 15-and-a-20. It was noted it was a family member purchase. Went to joint planning board last Tuesday for consideration.
At the intersection by Hwy. 10 and 137th, discussion centered around a potential quiet zone. Previously the town board objected, but BNSF considering is considering putting in a second line.
The board felt at the time, if the quiet zone was not driven by a citizen, why should it be considered? The QZ would be in the township’s industrial/commercial zone. 
Cost for the project was questioned and the board agreed  it would require re-alignment and signals and such. History of this process was discussed and the board decided they wanted to look at alignment now as it would be better than after a second line is installed.
A motion was made to have Engineer Terrance VanderEyk look at realignment.
Engineer’s Report
Eyk discussed Garbrian Woods, saying a contract is in place and easements are all completed. Schendzielos indicated work would begin mid-September.
An insurance claim against the township  on damages came into Eyk recently. Eyk said he will meet with the township’s adjustor the next day.
Eyk said Oak Crest had shoulders repaired to many property owners’ satisfaction.
A Turnquist Farms warranty inspection was conducted and Eyk noted three lateral bumps on 110th that appear to be caused by Xcel Energy gas lines. The bumps were initially denied. However, Eyk said the bumps have diminished with traffic, so he thinks the situation  may be ok. Xcel Energy agreed to findings and Eyk said he will keep an eye on it this winter.
A washout on 87th/175th was reported and Eyk said he is waiting on a DNR permit for the 175th Ave culvert replacement before any repairs will occur.
Knife River needed to be on 87th for a day and a half and in exchange they agreed to patch the road. They have since patched it and the township needs to haul in shouldering. the shouldering will be done while the washout is repaired.
On the far west end of 102nd, repairs are needed for a shallow driveway. Brian Kolbinger viewed and it was determined to repair, the drive needed be raised. His question was, “Is this the township’s responsibility?” 
The board said “no” that there should have been a culvert put in when the driveway was put in. Owner should fix with permit and culvert. It was noted this driveway is not the primary driveway for the property.
Kolbinger viewed and responded via email for an issue at 87th street where the landowner has concerns about an unspecified issue.
Striping was completed on 109th, 102nd and 77th. The county will bill the township  approximately $800.
Revisions to the township’s driveway ordinance is planned for next month. Eyk will draft and include language for joint/saw cut/relief joint and reference that if the township needs to replace the material, choice of material is at township’s discretion.
Other Business
• A motion to accept a resolution of the Town of Becker to appoint election judges was carried;
• A trapping permission form was reviewed and city history was discussed on trapping beavers;
•  The fall road tour is scheduled for Sat., Oct.18, at 7:30 a.m. Jamie Johnson was directed to pick up and return the van being used.
Kolbinger will get a fire department representative to attend. Othoudt will also attend and Tanya Danielson will take notes as Clerk Messman cannot attend;
• Messman requested supervisors remember that copies of their training certificates need to be kept on file in township office;
• The preliminary 2015 net tax capacity values were released by the county;
• A resident asked the board what happens to old signs  and the board said they become property of the sign contractor;
• Two snowplow quotes are needed this year due to anticipated contract value. Clerk Messman plans to work with Eyk on this item;
• Tree trimming on 130th Ave. is needed. The board will let Jeff Rhodes know.
• Election judge training is on the calendar for Tue., Oct. 7, from 6-8 p.m. at Township Hall.