Saturday, July 27th, 2024 Church Directory

County to share in Hwy. 25 area study

The Sherburne County Board Tuesday approved the county’s participation in and support for a Wright County contract with Bolton & Menk to study improvements to Hwy. 10 and I-94 connectivity. 

For years, the counties have been discussing different options for crossing the Mississippi River in the Hwy. 25 corridor area to alleviate current traffic and future growth. 

The counties  have initiated a Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) study to develop a long-term vision for transportation system improvements to the Hwy. 25 area between I-94 and Hwy. 10. The PEL study will allow project partners to build consensus around needed transportation improvements consistent with the region’s goals.

The total cost for the study, which will take 18 to 24 months to complete, is $899,878. The Central Mississippi River Regional Planning Partnership (CMRP) will cover half the cost ($450,000). The Initiative Foundation has committed $35,000. The cost to both Wright County and Sherburne County is $207,439. 

“This is something that has to be done before you can continue to discuss potential river crossings,” said Commissioner Raeanne Danielowski, a member of the CMRP. “We’re ready now. We’ve come so far that this is the next step.”


The board approved a $125,000 ARPA expenditure for a road improvement project in Island View Park. 

The project would widen the lanes of travel, increase visibility and provide drainage features that prevent the formation of gullies.

“The road is very narrow with safety concerns,” said Parks Coordinator Gina Hugo.

She said there are steep side slopes, drainage issues and low visibility on the road that provides access to the lower 28 acres of the park.

Hugo said project can be designed in-house with construction done in 2024. It is a one-time cost.

The board also approved $10,000 in ARPA funding for Economic Development Business Retention and Expansion Tracking Software and $10,363.68 to cover 168 hours of staff time for Covid-related administrative duties.

HHS Grant

The board accepted the Minnesota Department of Health CDC Infrastructure Grant award in the amount of $257,431.00 for the budget period of March 1, 2023 through Nov. 30, 2027.

The grant will help support  efforts to recruit, retain, and train a skilled and diverse public health workforce, address longstanding public health infrastructure needs and increase the size of the public health workforce.

Tax Abatement 

The board approved the scheduling and publication of Notice of a Public Hearing for 9 a.m. May 2 for a tax abatement application from Beaudry Oil & Service, Inc.

The project would construct a 25,000 square foot lube shop and warehouse facility on a 12.84-acre site in Elk River with a total project cost of $4.3 million.

The abatement application includes a request for a 10-year abatement of $11,050 annually ($110,500 over 10 years). The project scored as “moderate” based on the county’s Tax Abatement Policy scoring system. According to policy, the project would be eligible for a 1⁄2 abatement or $5,525 annually.

The project would add approximately $1.43 million in taxable value and the total estimated property additional tax would be $43,500. Of this amount, the county portion is an estimated $11,050.

Other Business

In other actions the board:

• Awarded the contract to install mumble strips on various county roads to Surface Preparation Technologies, LLC. at $27,370.65. The project will use $21,896.52 in federal construction funds and $5,474.13 in local option sales tax;

• Accepted a $50,000 grant from the Sauer Family Foundation to complete a community assessment to aid in development of Family Resource Centers in Sherburne County.

The funding will allow for transportation, childcare, and participation incentives for community members to ensure the entire community has a voice in the process. The term of the grant is April 3, 2023 through April 3, 2024;

• Approved an agreement with the MN Commissioner of Agriculture for receipt of $1,800 in support of the Farmer’s Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) for the period of June 1 to Dec. 31, 2023;

•  Approved food truck vendor contracts to provide various lunch options at the Government Center on  April 19, 27 & 28, May 17, 19 & 23, June 7 & 28, July 13 & 25,  Aug. 15 & 22, Sept. 7 & 27 and Oct. 11 & 24;

•  Approved an agreement with Blackbird Coffee Co. to provide coffee services in the Sherburne County Government Center;   

• Proclaimed April as Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention month in Sherburne County.