CLEARVIEW BOOK FAIR. Students Ethan and Jonah played Christmas music on their recorders accompanied by music teacher Karen Ingeman during the Book Fair to Benefit Clearview Elementary School held at the Barnes & Noble store in St. Cloud Tuesday night.
ORIGINAL. Student Brianne B. read an original composition during the Book Fair for Clearview Elementary School at the St. Cloud Barnes & Noble Tuesday night. Artworks in the background are Mexican-style "amate" bark paintings created by Clearview students.
CLEARVIEW BOOK FAIR. Clearview PTSA President Lori Johnson held the microphone as sixth-grader Kate read from "The Elf on the Shelf" Tuesday night at Barnes & Noble in St. Cloud. The art show and reading event was a fund-raiser for the Clearview, and attendees could request that a portion of their purchase price be directed to the school at the checkout line.
BOOKFAIR. Clearview Elementary School students sang, music teacher Karen Ingeman played the guitar and art teacher Kathy Gerdts-Senger showed the pictures at a bookfair to benefit the school at Barnes & Noble in St. Cloud Tuesday night. Clearview supporters could direct that a portion of their purchase price be donated to the school during the event.
PERFORMANCE ART. Clearview students Kate, left, and Georgia told jokes as part of their performance at the Clearview Bookfair at Barnes & Noble in St. Cloud Tuesday night. Other students sang, played musical instruments, gave readings and displayed their "amate" Mexican-inspired bark paintings at the fund-raiser, where shoppers could direct that a portion of their purchase price be directed to the school to help finance arts and education programs.