Tuesday, March 11th, 2025 Church Directory
CHAIRMAN BUD STIMMLER talks about Great River Greenings’ proposal for Phase 2 at Clear Lake Twp. Park. (Photo by Penny Leuthard)

Clear Lake Twp. wraps up the year

During their last meeting of 2024, the Clear Lake Twp. Board of Supervisors discussed a number of agenda items, including the new fire contract, a second phase to the park, and ordinances and resolutions. 

Roads Update

Twp. Engineer Terrance Vander Eyk drafted a letter to MnDOT and the City of Clearwater concerning the proposed revisions to State Hwy. 24. The township is against taking out the city’s stoplight and replacing it with a roundabout, believing it will cause an even larger problem for River Oak residents turning onto the highway than they already have. They’re asking MnDOT to build another road to Co. Rd. 8 instead.

Eyk informed the board he’s putting together specs for the White Farm Estates road project.

Parks Update

Chairman Bud Stimmler told the board Great River Greening has proposed Phase 2 for the township park. Phase 1 with the wildflower pollinator habitat is complete. The organization will apply for the $18,000 grant and take care of all planting and seeding. The area will be burned first.

The township’s contribution to the project is additional funds up to $1,000. They currently have $2,250 in park funds at the City of Clear Lake as well as an additional $100 in ARPA that will cover the cost to burn. 

Resolutions and 


Motions carried for a resolution delegating cannabis retail registration to the county as well as adopting the county ordinance. Another resolution carried for a joint powers agreement with the county for enforcement and regulation of cannabis distribution. The resolution gives up Clear Lake Twp.’s right to the county for background checks, enforcement, and so on.

The board briefly discussed the animal impound contract they have with Monticello. It was decided that the township wouldn’t be a part of stray dog impounds unless the animal was threatening. Sheriff dispatch will be informed not to contact them when they receive calls. 

The township does have a barking dog/dangerous dog ordinance in place.

Other Business

Stimmler updated the board on fire contract discussions and said they hope to have it roughed up by the next meeting. Township money won’t be used for the new fire hall, instead, the City of Clear Lake will put away $40,000 annually; they’re hoping to begin the project in five years or less, depending on financing. 

Palmer Twp. has agreed to install a porta potty at Elk Lake Landing again this summer with the stipulation that if it’s damaged again, they will pull it completely. Last year, it was vandalized. 

The township’s new website is progressing, with items such as meeting minutes, ordinances and resolutions, and permits being added as time allows.

Members of the Clear Lake City Council attended the meeting to introduce themselves.

The sheriff reported 121 calls for service in November and 123 in December, which included 11 motor vehicle accidents (one with injury), and one warrant arrest.

The next Clear Lake Twp. meeting will be on Jan. 21 at 7 p.m.