Thursday, September 19th, 2024 Church Directory
Clear Lake Township Board Chairman Bud Stimmler

Clear Lake Township

In a quick, 25-minute meeting Tuesday, the Clear Lake Township Board approved a bingo permit, a parcel payment. reviewed a snow policy, heard a police report and got an update on their annual clean-up day event.

Old Business
The board - minus Chairman Gary Gray - approved a payment of $18,156.02 for the Goenner parcel the township recently acquired  on the south side of 74th Street along Long Lake. The board said they’ll have Gray take the check to Jerome Goenner in the near future.
The board reviewed the township’s snow policy and have been instructed to make any changes required and bring the policy back to the board at the February meeting.
New Business
JaniRae Wern from Travelers Country Club on the Mississippi was in attendance Tuesday and requested a bingo permit for 2014.  Joe Goenner motioned to approve and acting Chairman Bud Stimmler seconded.
Wern also requested the township consider installing frisbee golf at the park.  Wern plans to give an official proposal at the first park meeting in April.
Clean-Up Day
Treasurer Paul Goenner referenced the upcoming clean-up day scheduled for May 3.  
Goenner said Allied Waste is committed to Big Lake so won’t be available for the township’s tire removal.  Clear Lake is looking at TKI with the possibility of using a roll-off to put the appliances in. Another possibility is Midway Iron.
Central Appliance will send a proposal, but Goenner is not sure how they will handle broken tv’s, so he is working with another vendor who may take the broken television sets.  Goenner mentioned the township will again utilize Waste Management compactors at $70 a ton.   TKI will provide a shelter.
Parks & Trails
Stimmler reported it’s been quiet at the park and that he ordered 50 trees to be planted in the spring. 
Sheriff’s Report
Sheriff Joel Brott reported that  for the month of January, there were  59 calls for service from his department.  The calls involved 16 traffic stops  and eight public assists.
Brott distributed the sheriff department’s annual report and gave a quick review of 2013 criminal activity.
The next Clear Lake Township meeting is Tues., Feb. 18 at 7 p.m.