Thursday, January 30th, 2025 Church Directory
County Attorney Kathleen Heaney addressed the Clear Lake City Council regarding her office’s prosecutorial efforts in 2020 (Patriot photo by Mark Kolbinger).

Clear Lake council receives favorable audit report

The Clear Lake City Council met Monday evening and received good news, as Janelle Bitzen of the firm KDV Bergan delivered a clean audit report of the city’s 2020 finances.

Bitzen explained that her firm was issuing what is called an unmodified opinion, which translates to the best rating a city of Clear Lake’s size could receive.  The Water/Sewer fund was audited separately and also received the same rating.

Citing the Governmental Auditing Standards, Bitzen noted that the only area the city was receiving a recommendation was due to internal controls and a lack of segregation of accounting duties.  She noted that this recommendation is very common for cities with limited staff members in the office area.  Clerk Kari Mechtel is the only city office staff member, but Bitzen reported that all records and documentation were in order and there were no irregularities or other issues noted.

Also included in the report delivered to council was a five year trend report, which showed that the city is in compliance with its own policy of having 50% of the next year’s expenditures in cash balance.  In addition, statistics showed that receipts were up $28,000 from a year ago, mostly due to an increase in LGA and CARES Act funding.  Meanwhile, licensing fees and permits showed a downward trend.

Overall, Bitzen commended the city and Clerk Mechtel for an overall efficient audit experience which shows that the city is in excellent financial condition.

County Attorney

Sherburne County Attorney Kathleen Heaney appeared before council to provide an update on prosecutions from 2020.  Heaney’s office holds the contract for prosecutorial services within the city and she reported 40 case files had been opened in 2020 which resulted in $582.74 in reimbursement fees being collected.

Heaney also reported on county-wide trends, including an increase of 14% in felony referrals to her office.  She surmised that substance abuse and mental health were two driving factors behind this increase, yet also credited the county’s HHS staff with providing extraordinary care in addressing these issues.

Mayor’s Report

Mayor Tim Goenner reported to the council that he continues to work with County Administrator Bruce Messelt on engaging MnDOT to address the speed limits on Co. Rd. 6.  At this point no timeline has been established, but Goenner did report that a speed study will be conducted in the area and this is usually the first step towards securing a lower speed limit within the city.

Council Vacancy

Two applicants have submitted letters to the council stating an interest in filling the vacancy created when Dale Powers resigned his seat in January.  Residents Brandy Roberts and Alyxandria Johnson provided letters to council outlining their interests and qualifications for the open seat. 

Roberts has been a city resident since July 2020 and she currently works as a Portfolio Manager for Cargill, Inc.  Her letter listed being a strong communicator as a top reason why she would be an effective member of the council.

Johnson has been a city resident since 2019 and works in Clearwater for Johnson Crushing, where she serves as Safety and Compliance Manager. Her letter indicated she can bring a unique perspective to the council, as well as the desire to make a positive impact in the community.

Council had three options available, including taking no action as there are no statutory requirements for filling the vacancy.  They could also appoint one of the women immediately or conduct in-person interviews.  After brief discussion, it was the consensus of the council to invite the two applicants to come in before the April council meeting for an interview process before making a final decision.

In Other Action, The Council:

• Heard from Public Works Director Dustin Luhning regarding the week house and recent snow plowing efforts;

• Approved adding council member Karen White as a designated signatory at the bank;

• Approved the 2020 Fire Department committed fund allocations;

• Discussed the city’s local Board of Appeal and Equalization set for April 5th at 6 p.m. at City Hall.