A story about beauty and magic was a most appropriate choice for the first musical theatre production in the amazing new Performing Arts Center at Becker High School. The latest in the growing tradition of Broadway musicals to take the stage there is Cinderella, the Rodgers and Hammerstein fairytale classic that opened Thursday night.
Megan Graftaas as Cinderella and Joey Kimmerle as the Prince are charming, King Joe Perry and Queen Laura Niday are royally warm parents, and the wicked stepmother Brittany Bodien and stepsisters Sara Gretsch and Sam Pounds are delightfully awful. Good comic turns also from royal heralds Andy Johnson, Charlie Robeck and Zach Woolhouse, some “Pythonesque” dancing knights and a hilarious “fit the slipper” contest featuring royal steward Austin Hill and the boys. Elegant ballroom scenes, magical intrigues (with sprightly fairy godmother Eveline Meidt) and a big white magical carriage make for an entertaining evening.
The music is a treat as well, with familiar tunes like “In My Own Little Corner”, “Boys and Girls like You and Me”, “Impossible” and “Ten Minutes Ago”. With that and the regal costumes and magical stairways and cottages and forests that float in and out, the production and the facility are both impressive.
Director Joe Rand, who has long been involved in musical theatre as a performer, made his Becker directorial debut last spring with the three-act play Up the Down Staircase. Also new to the Becker program is Twin Cities music teacher and performer Renee Fletcher, who serves as music director and also plays the piano in the pit orchestra for each performance. Veteran Tech Director Rich Kimmerle has made the most of the new theatre, moving backdrops and properties with the new “fly” system, weighted ropes and pulleys that allow scenery and backdrops to descend from above the stage, as well as crafting a startlingly life-like horse and carriage combination.
Old hands on the production team include house manager Becky Bodien, costume designer Janelle Fast and lighting designer Greg Lynch.
In the pit orchestra with Fletcher are: Celia Mix and Kami Ziebarth, flutes; Shelly Clemen, Kelsi Halvorson, clarinets; Cassie Lenneman and Mike Roe, trumpets; Noah Knick, French horn; Matt Clemen, trombone; Tamara Winden, violin; Maria Hed, cello; Grant Fisher, drums; Gretchen Roe, keyboard, and Sophia Christenson, percussion.
Tech crew members: Jasmine Anderson, Katie Buschmann, Katie Cantin, Erin Fagin, Vanessa Gilles, Melanie Gilles, Evan Girtz, Mikayla Goebel, Kendra Gorman, Colin House, Justin Huntington, Gavin Jenkins, Nicole Knudsen, Isabel Monteiro, Isabella Proefrock, Holly Rowland, Ryan Sanderson, Erika Soyring, Abby Steffens, Morgan Steffens, Sami Stellmach, Emily Tesmer, Morgan Tillmann, Libby Verwey, Heidi Voigt, Tyler Wasserbaner, Perrin Weller and Kait Woehrle.
Performances continue tonight at 7:30 p.m. and 2 p.m. on Sunday. Magical carriage rides will be on offer outside the theatre Sunday from noon to 1:30 p.m., at a cost of $5. Show tickets are available at the door, $11 for adults and $8 for students and senior citizens.