Lake Chapter of A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota (American Bikers for Awareness, Training & Education) held their annual “Bowling for Kid’s Sake” event at McPete’s in Big Lake on January 15. The eight members who participated — including two members from the Sand Dunes chapter — were able to donate $2,360 to the Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Central Minnesota. A.B.A.T.E. of MN is a non-profit organization that promotes the positive actions of motorcyclists and keeps up to date on legislative issues affecting motorcycling. Lake Chapter activities are generally held just west of the Twin Cities. The Sand Dunes chapter meets in Big Lake. We are very proud of our members and encourage others to help out when they can. Anyone interested in more information on A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota can check out their website at or their Facebook page. (Submitted Photo.)