Tuesday, March 25th, 2025 Church Directory

Becker Twp. discusses roads, public hearings

The Becker Town Board met March 18 with numerous topics being discussed. 

Engineer’s Report

Discussion over bid bonds on multiple projects ranging from Boulder Crossing to Wildwood acres ocurred Monday. There was also discussion on 109th St. and how it needs to be established as a road. 

There were two motions passed, one for the resolution to accept the petition and the other to call for a public hearing for the location of 8792 -185th Ave SE. Citizens were in attendance to hear about Co. Rd. 93 and it was determined that once all the testimonies are finished there will be a hearing at 6:45 and that is when the decision will be made. 

A motion was then passed for a public hearing on the first driveway on 109th to be held on March 31 at 9 a.m. There was then a lengthy discussion on the Co. Rd. 23 trail and how to make it safer and possibly conduct a speed study. It was determined that this action will be tabled until it is figured out whether it will help or harm. 

Joint Planning

The Joint Planning Board consisted of a boundary adjustment subdivision and Great River Energy wanting to lay down yard construction staging area for their new line. 

Sheriff’s Report

It had been a slower month with only 137 calls for service. There were 59 traffic stops and a reminder to the citizens of Becker that from April 1 to August 1, south of Hwy. 95 in Minnesota, ATVs are not allowed to drive in the ditches due to the migratory birds. 

Fire Dept.

The fire report included the new pickup truck being up and ready at the end of April. 

Other News

• The Pell Area Study was also cleaned up and was published last Friday for interested parties. A motion was passed authorizing the chair to sign the letter of support for Hwy. 25 area planning and the Pell study; 

• New doors were replaced on the town hall property and a new drain was installe;

• Cannabis discussion was tabled until the April 7 meeting. 

• The meeting ended with a motion to accept the treasurer’s report which passed.