Friday, January 10th, 2025 Church Directory
MANY OF THE DREAM TEAM STUDENTS stayed inside the pavillion to eat food, play cards, video games, board games and just chat.
DOZENS OF BECKER HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS enjoyed the balmy weather last weekend and played outdoor games as part of their Winter Dream Fest at Becker City Park.

Becker Dream Team Holds Social Event At City Park

Around 100 Becker High School students enjoyed free food, games, a bonfire and spring weather last Saturday at Winter Dream Fest.
The fest is an event offered by the Becker High School DREAM Team(Drug Related Education Awareness Mentors), which promotes healthy choices by teens in avoiding drugs and alcohol.
The Becker Community Center donated the use of Becker City Park as well as many indoor and outdoor games to show support for the DREAM Team.
DREAM was founded last summer by students Megan Peterson, Rachael Tauer and Macy Eigen, along with parent advisors, Heather Eigen and Mike Tauer and Assistant Principal Mark Kolbinger as part of the Sherburne County Substance Use Prevention Coalition. So far at Becker High School, over 150 students have signed the DREAM Team pledge to stay true to their choice to avoid alcohol and drugs.
The team plans to continue offering positive events and educational outreach to support students who want to make healthy choices.
Pizza, chips and candy as well as water, lemonade and soda pop were served inside the pavillion as kids played cards, board games, video games and wrote messages on a Dream Team banner.