Saturday, July 27th, 2024 Church Directory

Becker City discusses police station needs

During Tuesday’s meeting, the Becker City Council discussed the need for a new police station. Police Chief Brent Baloun reported that a survey had been conducted in 2017 showing that the police department needed some more space, but another survey will be completed to show the department’s needs as they currently stand. Currently, officers are working in common areas and in closets due to the limited capacity at their current location in city hall. After a new study is completed, city staff will work on a plan to address issues. 

Powering Lift Station 17

Lift Station 17 was constructed in 2011, but it was never connected to electricity. The city was waiting for an opportune time to do so. As the city undergoes its project to bring utilities to the industrial park, where the lift station is located, that time is now. Power will be added to the lift station as other projects are underway.

In Other Business, the Council:

• Heard committee reports;

• Approved an easement for JT2 properties (future site of Dueling Brews);

• Made amendments to city code Chapter 3 allowing for trunk fees, which are currently not allowed by city code (a process is underway to reimburse those who were charged in error);

• Cleared up an old agreement between the city and the old Coffee Cup Cafe dating back to 1985 (the terms of the agreement were no longer known.)