Saturday, July 27th, 2024 Church Directory
OFFICER PRESTON VOIGT was given a merit award for heroic actions in the line of duty. (Photo by Katherine Cantin.)

Becker City Council awards Officer Voigt with merit award

During the recent Becker City Council meeting, Police Chief Brent Baloun presented a merit award to Officer Preston Voigt of the Becker Police Department.

On June 20, Officer Voigt was contacted to assist at the scene of a domestic assault. When Officer Voigt arrived, the suspect had already been tased by another officer at the scene, but was still resisting arrest. The suspect charged at Officer Voigt with a knife. Voigt quickly responded by using his taser on the man, and then Voigt and another officer were finally able to restrain the suspect.

Chief Baloun commended Voigt’s quick thinking in being able to respond with non-lethal force, even though the threat to his life would have justified the use of lethal force. Chief Baloun presented Officer Voigt with a merit award for his heroic actions.

Kindness Appreciation Week

Mayor Tracy Bertram proclaimed November 6-10 as Kindness Appreciation Week in Becker. City-wide events for the week included a donut drive sponsored by Bill’s Family Foods and the police department, and the recognition of acts of kindness across the city.

2024 Streets Improvement Project

The council signed a supplemental letter of agreement with SEH to perform work on the 2024 streets improvement project. Some of the streets the city is looking to revitalize include Diane Ave., Jenkins Dr., Warren Ave., Monroe Dr., Monroe Ct., Brenda Blvd., Joseph Ave., Johnson St., 13th Ave., Jefferson St., Lobelia St., 41st Ave., and 153rd Ave., with some alternates noted in case the work bid comes under budget or one of the aforementioned streets is not available to be included in the project.

Community Energy Transition Grant

City staff will be applying for a Community Energy Transition (CET) grant. The CET grant is available to municipalities whose tax base is largely affected by an energy plant in the process of being decommissioned. Becker has applied for the grant in the past and was awarded funding for utility planning. This year and next year, staff plan to apply for funding for road infrastructure.

THC Ordinance

G-Will Liquors asked the city to amend the THC zoning ordinance to allow them to be able to sell THC products. Currently, they are not allowed to sell these products as their business is within 500 feet of a school. The business argued that their location should not be an issue as the establishment does not allow individuals under 21 to enter the store. The council approved the request.

In Other Business, the Council:

• Heard committee reports;

• Approved the subdivision of property owned by Xcel Energy;

• Heard the third quarter finance report;

• Approved the annexation of 295 acres owned by Xcel Energy to the city;

• Approved a change order for the pump station project in the Industrial Park;

• Held a public forum to discuss vacating University Ave., during which no one spoke.