Saturday, December 21st, 2024 Church Directory
BECKER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE boardmembers, front from left, Amy Chmielewski, Lynette Brannan. Back, Larry Newell, Darin Bohlken, Candyce Stang, Carol VanHeel, Mike Brubaker.

Becker Chamber Holds Annual Meeting

The Becker Chamber of Commerce held its annual meeting at The History Center Wednesday, with about 35 members attending.
Three persons, Darin Bohlken, Faith in Action, Candyce Stang, Sherburne State Bank, and Carol VanHeel, Sherburne National Refuge (re-elected)   were elected to three-year terms on the chamber board, joining Amy Chmielewski, Mike Brubaker, Larry Newell    and Executive Director Lynette Brannan.
Treasurer VanHeel addressed the 2014-15 budget, reporting income was down from $30,682 last year to $21,000 the current year, reflecting a drop in income from memberships by $7,244 and a drop in Business Expo income by $2,926.
Expo exhibitors, while at 100 or near that number for several years, have dropped into the 60’s range this year.
But there were enough revenues for Chamber members to grant $500 stipends to two charitable groups from the community. Winning group’s will be announced at the next Chamber meeting.
Greg Pruszinske, city administrator, spent 10 minutes talking about several city projects this year.
Most notable is the extra rail line being put in between Becker and Big Lake this summer. City involvement will help to engineer  utilities crossings of the tracks at five sites. It could lead to a train whistle quiet zone, however, he noted.
The Hwy. 10-1st Street project, which received a $5000 grant for planning purposes, will be getting underway with meetings in the near future, City Planner Therese Haffner reported. 
A market analysis of the space will be made, and pedestrian and automotibe access studied. 
A local study group of business persons, city officials and residents will be formed to brainstorm a new face for the 1st Street area. (See more on this project in the Citizen next week.)
The Co. Rd. 24 bridge and trail program over the Elk River was briefly discussed. It will be constructed this summer, and link up trail services to neighborhoods on both sides of the river.
Finally, Pruszinske recognized the many volunteers who help make Becker the successful and friendly city it is. He cited Bob Dingmann for his trailblazing work, the Farm Friends group, Relay for Life, Senior Center group, Becker Food Shelf, the Refuge, cemetery board, Yellow Ribbon group and more. 
“Join them,” he said. “What a great way to know your community.”