Clearview Elementary School students’ hard work bringing in pledges paid off November 17, with over $18,000 raised during their annual walk-a-thon.
Along with being the PTA’s major fundraiser each year, the purpose of the walk-a-thon is to promote healthy lifestyles through physical activity and food choices.
“The walk-a-thon is more than just a walk,” said PTA President Lori Johnson. “It’s an extra hour of movement and fun for the students to celebrate their hard work raising donations. It is so much fun to watch the kids truly enjoying the different activities, especially the inflatable obstacle course that produced constant smiles.”
Throughout the day each grade, from preschool through fifth, took a turn participating in the walk-a-thon. Along with walking, other healthy activity and snack stations were set up in the gym for the students to rotate through. Phy ed teacher George Bienusa lead the students through the activities.
Over $800 in student prizes were drawn throughout the pledge drive. For every $10 raised, the student received an entry in the random drawing; 10 entries were received if they set up an individual fundraiser page. In total, there were 2,320 entries in the drawings.
Classrooms also competed to bring in the most donations. This year the classes of Profesora Hannah, Profesora Lucia and Profesora Terri each won a pizza party.
Although they didn’t quite reach their goal, organizers were pleased with the amount raised.
“Our goal was on the aggressive side, but our students and their families showed their commitment to our school by raising $18,058,” said Johnson. “This is awesome when you consider we have only 420 students K-5 plus 32 part time preschool students.”
All money raised from the walk-a-thon goes back to Clearview students for educational purposes, including field trips, family fun nights, Gamelan music program, assemblies such as the Veteran’s Day program and other enrichment opportunities used to supplement the curriculum.
The PTA would like to thank the teachers and staff for helping put on the event, the volunteers who helped plan and run events, and all the students and families that made an effort to help raise money for their school.
A special shout out was given to phy ed teacher George Bienusa, who kept the students active and having fun during the walk-a-thon.
The PTA would also like to thank the following businesses and individuals for donating prizes: an anonymous parent donor, AirMaxx – Jason Noska, GREAT Theatre – Dennis Whipple, Ninja United, Powder Ridge, SCSU Athletics – Heather Weems, YMCA – Greg Gack and the Clearview PTA.
This year’s walk-a-thon coincided with Minnesota’s Give to the Max Day, an annual event that raises millions of dollars for Minnesota organizations.