Monday, March 3rd, 2025 Church Directory
ALAN PETERSON, former president of the Irrigators Association of Minnesota out of Palmer/Clear Lake will have a scholarship named after him for students interested in a career in agriculture. (Submitted Photo.)

Agricultural Scholarship offered on behalf of Farmer Alan Peterson

The Irrigators Association of Minnesota — a statewide association solely concerned with irrigated agriculture and dedicated to the management  of Minnesota land and water resources — is offering an Alan Peterson Agricultural Scholarship on behalf of a Palmer farmer who lost his life to cancer last year.

Alan Peterson lived and farmed in Sherburne County his entire life. He proudly served as a member of many agricultural boards at the local, county, and state levels and was president of the Irrigators Association of Minnesota for 18 years. One of his many passions was advocating for irrigation in the sandy soils of central Minnesota. He enjoyed communicating with farmers regarding irrigation questions and concerns. He was open to innovative practices that would increase crop productivity.

The Alan Peterson Agricultural Scholarship will serve to Respect natural resources, Embrace innovation, Advocate for agriculture at local, regional and national levels, Protect irrigated production agriculture and Promote research.

This fund will award up to two $1,000 scholarships to students who are either currently attending an accredited post-secondary college program pursuing a career in an Agricultural related field, or are High School seniors planning to enroll in an Agricultural related field of study. 

Previous winners of this scholarship are not eligible to receive another scholarship. 

Applicants or their family do not have to be members of the IAM to be considered for this scholarship. Directors will select up to two (2) qualified scholarship winners and the scholarships will be presented to the winners in September when they are successfully enrolled in their college program of study.

Applicants interested in applying will be required to submit a copy of the completed application (found on website), submit a career plan summary, provide a current student resume and high school or college transcript and provide one (1) letter of recommendation from a non family member.

Winners will be required to submit a photo for press release at a later date

Application deadline is May 15, 2021 and the website can be found here: (click “apply today”).

The Irrigators Association of Minnesota (IAM) supports new science-based research on irrigation management and provides advocacy at the state and local level for the right of farmers to irrigate. Established in 1975 as a non-profit organization, IAM is the only statewide association solely concerned with irrigated agriculture and dedicated to the management of Minnesota land and water resources.

Alan David Peterson lost his life to cancer Feb. 28, 2020 at the age of 60. He grew up and lived on his family farm in Clear Lake for most of his life. Alan attended St. Cloud Technical College’s Farm Management Program. He married Laurie Moore on February 16, 1985 at St. Marcus Catholic Church and they have three children.