Friday, March 14th, 2025 Church Directory

Sherburne County Sentencings October 2013

Kevin Richard Alger, 12-22-1969, possess pistol/assault weapon, conviction or adjudicated delinquent for crime of violence – adjudication stayed 10 years on conditions including 30 days in jail, no use/possess/own firearms, remain law abiding.

Sandra Joann Cruz, 2-10-1965, drugs, 5th degree, possess 1, 2, 3, 4, not small amount marijuana – committed to Commissioner of Corrections for 1 year and 1 day, execution of sentence stayed 10 years on conditions including 180 days in jail, $50 fine, submit DNA sample, attend AA/NA weekly/verify monthly, no use/possess alcohol/mood altering drugs, random UA’s/testing/PBT’s at defendant’s expense, obtain chemical dependency evaluation, no possess, use/own firearms, do not associate w/persons who are abusing chemicals.

Ruben Henry Ross, 7-19-56, domestic assault, felony – committed to Commissioner of Corrections for 18 months, submit DNA sample.

Donald Ray Fern, 8-9-66, drugs, 3rd degree, sale, narcotic – committed to Commissioner of Corrections for 24 months, $50 fine, restitution, submit DNA sample.

Jeremy John Gabrelcik, 6-20-72, assault, 3rd degree, substantial bodily harm – imposition of sentence stayed 5 years on conditions including 45 days in jail, $50 fine, restitution, submit DNA sample, attend AA/NA weekly/verify monthly, no use/possess mood altering drugs, random UA’s/testing/PBT’s at defendant’s expense, comply with laws regarding no possession of firearms.  

Steven Michael Coash, 2-22-70, felon convicted crime of violence, firearm violation – committed to Commissioner of Corrections for 60 months, submit DNA sample.

Marcellus Ray Sowell, 7-9-86, possess pistol/assault weapon, conviction or adjudicated delinquent for crime of violence – committed to Commissioner of Corrections for 60 months, $50 fine from prison wages, submit DNA sample.

Nathan Marshall Krohn, 4-26-84, drugs, 5th degree, sale, marijuana mixture except small amount of marijuana with no remuneration – imposition of sentence stayed 5 years on conditions including 30 days in jail, $2,000 fine, submit DNA sample, attend AA/NA weekly/verify monthly, no use/possess alcohol/mood altering drugs, random UA’s/testing/PBT’s at defendant’s expense.

Yusef Abdi Ali, 2-8-91, giving peace officer false name, of another person – $50 fine and 365 days in jail, 297 days stayed, restitution.

John Lee Trebesch, 9-16-68, traffic, DWI, 2nd degree refuse to submit to chemical test – $3,000 fine and 365 days in jail, $2,700 and 275 days stayed 4 years on conditions including no use/possess alcohol/non-prescription mood altering controlled substances, random testing at defendant’s expense, obtain chemical dependency assessment/follow recommendations, complete Level II driving with care program, 30 days alco-sensor each year of probation.

Chris Charles Adkisson-Hedger, 9-3-92, drugs, 5th degree, sale, marijuana mixture except small amount of marijuana with no remuneration – imposition of sentence stayed 5 years on conditions including $500 fine, restitution, 160 hours adult work crew within 6 months, follow aftercare recommendations, submit DNA sample, attend AA/NA weekly, verify monthly, no use/possess alcohol/mood altering drugs, random UA’s/testing/PBT’s at defendant’s expense.

Charles E. Hartsfield, Jr., 6-17-75, traffic, DWI, operate motor vehicle, alcohol concentration 0.08 within 2 hours – 365 days in jail, 335 days stayed 2 years on conditions including complete chemical use assessment, 128 hours of community service w/n 4 months. Verify completion in writing, remain law abiding.

Gregory Joseph Schwantz, 12-8-58, criminal vehicular homicide or operation, alcohol concentration .08 or more w/in 2 hrs driving – 365 days in jail stayed 2 years on conditions including no use/possess alcohol/non-prescription mood altering controlled substances, random testing at defendant’s expense.

Kevin Lyle Pedlar, 10-25-69, drugs, 5th degree, sale, marijuana mixture except small amount of marijuana w/no remuneration – committed to Commissioner of corrections for 15 months, execution of sentence stayed 5 years on conditions including 120 days in jail, $500 fine, submit DNA sample, no use/possess mood altering/illegal drugs, random UA’s/testing/PBT’s at defendant’s expense.

Lisa Beth Nelson, 3-17-77, drivers’ licenses, driving restrictions, alcohol/controlled substance; violations – 365 days in jail, 362 days stayed.

Shane Phillip Bennett, 5-26-88, theft, take/use/transfer movable prop, no consent – imposition of sentence stayed 5 years on conditions including 2 days in jail, $50 fine, 80 hours community work service within 120 days, submit DNA sample, no use/possess alcohol/mood altering drugs, random UA’s/testing/PBT’s at defendant’s expense, no contact with M.W., no use/own/possess firearms. James Allen Hage, 11-23-84, theft, take/drive motor vehicle, no owner consent – committed to Commissioner of Corrections for 20 months, restitution from prison wages.

Marcus Wayne Leith, 3-24-77, giving peace officer false name, of another person – $3,000 fine and 1 year in jail, $2,950 and 335 days stayed 1 year on conditions.

Benjamin David Burns, 5-8-94, drugs, 5th degree, possession – adjudication stayed 5 years pursuant to M.S. §152.18 on conditions including 30 days in jail, restitution, 15 days community work service within 6 months, no use/possess alcohol/mood altering drugs, random UA’s/testing/PBT’s at defendant’s expense, successfully complete current treatment program, no use/possess/own firearms.

Kristin Leighann Cummings, 11-9-81, wrongfully obtaining assistance, theft, by false statements, concealment, impersonation – imposition of sentence stayed 10 years on conditions including 20 days in jail, restitution, submit DNA sample, no use of mood altering drugs, random UA’s/testing/PBT’s at defendant’s expense, no use/own/possess firearms.

Javonate James McNeal, 2-16-88, aggravated robbery, 1st degree – committed to Commissioner of Corrections for 162 months, restitution from prison wages, DNA sample.

Jessica Victoria Hennessey, 1-11-95, introduce contraband, drug/liquor into jail/lockup/prison – 365 days in jail, 355 days stayed 2 years on conditions including no use/possess alcohol/non-prescription mood altering controlled substances, random testing at defendant’s expense, attend/successfully complete chemical use assessment/follow recommendations.

Darrick James Mullen, 9-17-91, theft, take/use/transfer movable prop, no consent – 365 days in jail, 335 days stayed 2 years on conditions including $200 fine, submit DNA sample, attend theft prevention program.

Jason Robert Christopherson, 7-8-82, traffic, DWI, operate motor vehicle, alcohol concentration 0.08 within 2 hours – $200 fine and 365 days in jail, 335 days stayed 4 years on conditions including no use/possess alcohol/non-prescription mood altering controlled substances, random testing at defendant’s expense, follow recommendations of Rule 25 evaluation.

Michael John Wilhelm, 5-5-88, drugs, 5th degree, possess schedule 1, 2, 3, 4, not small amount marijuana – imposition of sentence stayed 5 years on conditions including 60 days in jail, $50 fine, submit DNA sample, no use/possess alcohol/mood altering drugs, random UA’s/testing/PBT’s at defendant’s expense, finish 36 hour treatment class, attend one MADD Panel. Traffic, DWI, operate motor vehicle under influence of alcohol – guilty plea entered.

Zachary John Taylor, 1-24-91, drugs, 5th degree, sale, marijuana mixture except small amount of marijuana w/no remuneration – adjudication stayed 5 years on conditions including 30 days in jail, $500 fine, restitution, no use/possess alcohol/mood altering drugs, random UA’s/testing/PBT’s at defendant’s expense, complete 16 hour alcohol education course.

Ricky Allen White, 6-8-63, drugs, 5th degree, possess schedule 1, 2, 3, 4, not small amount marijuana, subsequent conviction – committed to Commissioner of Corrections for 24 months, $50 fine from prison wages.

Thomas Lee Garner, 2-16-59, drugs, 5th degree, possess schedule 1, 2, 3, 4, not small amount marijuana, subsequent conviction – committed to Commissioner of Corrections for 19 months, execution of sentence stayed 5 years on conditions including 236 days in jail, $100 fine, complete chemical dependency evaluation, submit DNA sample, no use/possess alcohol/mood altering drugs, random UA’s/testing/PBT’s at defendant’s expense, no use/own/possess firearms. Traffic, DWI, operate motor vehicle under influence of controlled substance – 365 days in jail, 129 days stayed 4 years on conditions set forth above.

Earl Thomas, Jr., 12-23-81, bring/send/introduce/possess contraband, state prison, hospital – committed to Commissioner of Corrections for 33 months, concurrent sentence.

James Murl Rakke, 1-14-95, theft, take/drive motor vehicle, no owner consent – imposition of sentence stayed 5 years on conditions including 30 days in jail, $100 fine, restitution, submit DNA sample, no use/possess alcohol/mood altering drugs, random UA’s/testing/PBT’s at defendant’s expense, no association with anyone using alcohol/controlled substances/illicit drugs, no contact with E.T.D., obtain mental health assessment/follow recommendations.

Angela Renee Jones, 3-2-88, fleeing peace officer in motor vehicle – imposition of sentence stayed 4 years on conditions including 135 days in jail to be served as follows: 45 days commencing 11-29-2013; 45 days commencing 12-1-2014 and 45 days commencing 12-1-2015, $150 fine, successfully complete chemical dependency program/follow recommendations/aftercare, submit DNA sample, no use/possess alcohol/mood altering drugs, random UA’s/testing/PBT’s at defendant’s expense, complete mental health assessment/follow recommendations.  

Amber Rose Utech, 4-17-94, domestic assault, misdemeanor, intentionally inflicts/attempts to inflict bodily harm on another – 90 days in jail, 86 days stayed 2 years on conditions including $100 to Domestic Abuse program, 32 hours community work service within 6 months, complete domestic abuse program, do not own/possess/use firearms.

Randolph Mark Hansen, 1-4-86, assault, 2nd degree, dangerous weapon – committed to Commissioner of Corrections for 33 months, $50 fine from prison wages.

Sonja Lynn Turnquist, 8-4-86, traffic, DWI, refuse to submit to chemical test – $100 fine and 365 days in jail, 245 days stayed 6 years on conditions including 120 days in jail to be served as follows: 60 days commencing 11-20-2013; 20 days commencing 11-7-2014; 20 days commencing 11-6-2015 and 20 days commencing 11-5-2016, attend AA, no use/possess alcohol/non-prescription mood altering controlled substances, random testing at defendant’ expense, obtain chemical use assessment, complete Level II Driving With Care Program, 30 day alco-sensor monitoring each year of probation.

Wayne William Leistico, 8-31-83, criminal sexual cond, 1st degree, penet or contact w/person under 13-Actor>36m oldr – committed to Commissioner of Corrections for 360 months, restitution, submit DNA sample, register as sex offender.  Criminal sex cond, 2nd degree, victim Under 13-Actor>36m old – committed to Commissioner of Corrections for 143 months, concurrent.

Joshua David Hage, 3-1-89, terroristic threats, reckless disregard risk – imposition of sentence stayed 5 years on conditions including 77 days in jail, $50 fine, complete chemical dependency evaluation/follow recommendations, submit DNA sample, attend AA/NA weekly/verify monthly, no use/possess alcohol/mood altering drugs, random PBT’s at defendant’s expense, do not enter establishments whose primary purpose is service of alcohol, no contact with A.M. or S.S. Theft, take/drive motor vehicle, no owner consent – imposition of sentence stayed 5 years on conditions including complete chemical dependency evaluation/follow recommendations, submit DNA sample, attend AA/Na weekly/verify monthly, no use/possess alcohol/mood altering drugs, random UA’s/testing/PBT’s at defendant’s expense, abide by all conditions set forth above. Traffic, DWI, operate motor vehicle under influence of alcohol – 77 days in jail, concurrent with above, abide by same conditions as set forth above.

Brian James Schmeda, 1-30-75, domestic assault, felony – committed to Commissioner of Corrections for 18 months, execution of sentence stayed 5 years on conditions including 45 days in jail, $100 fine, complete chemical dependency program/follow aftercare recommendations, submit DNA sample, attend AA/NA weekly/verify monthly, no use/possess alcohol/mood altering drugs, random UA’s/testing/PBT’s at defendant’s expense, complete domestic abuse program.