Advertisement For Sealed Bids
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the Santiago Town Board of Supervisors until April 10, 2024@ 7pm. The sealed bids should be marked’ A Bid’ and mailed to; Santiago Township c/o Kathy Woolard, Clerk-17363 17th Street- Princeton, MN. 55371-3111 or brought to the regular town board meeting April 10th at 7pm to 16656-165th Ave. Santiago, MN. 55377.
At which time the bids will be opened, reviewed and read aloud. This will be done at the regular town board meeting April 10, 2024.
Description of work to be done is as follows; 67th Street, running east of County Rd. 11, consisting of approximately 2 miles of roadway.
Shape existing aggregate base (30 ft top) Pave 24ft at 4 inches of new asphalt (2 lifts) (SPWE B240-8 oil}, 2 lifts and Class 5 AGG Shoulders (3 foot per side), East End Culvert Area- up to 20 Loads class 5/ as needed.
The town board reserves the right to reject any or all bids and waive informalities.
Santiago Town Board of Supervisors.
(Published in the Patriot: 03/23/24, 03/30/24.)