Tuesday, February 11th, 2025 Church Directory

Public Notice



The Big Lake City Code is amended to add Section 310 (Cannabis Retail Registration), modify Section 1001.02 (Definitions), modify Section 1003.05 (Use Table) and add Section 1005.15 (Cannabis Business) to the City Code. The purpose of the ordinance amendment is to implement the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 342, which authorizes the City to protect the public health, safety, welfare of residents by regulating cannabis businesses within the legal boundaries of Big Lake. The City Council finds and concludes that the provisions are appropriate and lawful land use regulations for the City of Big Lake, that the amendments will promote the community’s interest in reasonable stability in zoning for now and in the future, and that the provisions are in the public interest and for the public good. A printed copy of the Ordinance is available for inspection during regular office hours in the office of the City Clerk. Adopted by the Big Lake City Council this 22nd day of January, 2025.

/s/ Gina Wolbeck, City Clerk 

Big Lake City

(Published in the Patriot: 01/25/25.)