Wednesday, January 8th, 2025 Church Directory

Public Notice

City of Becker WWTF

Request for Bids

Industrial Oxidation Ditch Cleaning and Solids Disposal

October 2024

Proposal Due Date: By 3 PM on October 22nd, 2024

Submit proposal to: Chris Lisson - City of Becker Public Works and Parks Assistant Director

Proposals can be submitted by email (, mail (PO Box 250, Becker, MN  55308) or delivered to the WWTF located at 14398 Central Avenue in Becker.

Request for Bids

1. Introduction

The City of Becker owns and operates a municipal wastewater treatment facility (WWTF).  The WWTF has two separate treatment trains:  Domestic and Industrial.  The Industrial treatment train is dedicated to treating wastewater flows from a paper mill located in the city.  During the treatment process, solids settle out in the industrial oxidation ditches which results in large deposits that take up treatment capacity and decrease the efficiency of the treatment process on the Industrial side.  To correct this issue, the City is looking to hire a contractor to clean this debris out of these tanks.

2. Project Goals

a. Remove all dry to semi-dry solids from Industrial Oxidation Ditch #2.

i. City of Becker WWTF staff will assist with dewatering activities as needed.

ii. All solids removed from the oxidation ditch must be immediately loaded and hauled to the landfill.

1. Storage of solids outside of the oxidation ditch is not allowed.

b. Haul all solids to the landfill for final disposal.

i. Contractor must take all necessary precautions to prevent the spillage of any removed solids as they are transported from the wastewater treatment facility to the landfill for final disposal.

ii. Once contractor vehicle, container and contents have left the City of Becker Wastewater Treatment Facility, the contractor is wholly responsible for any incidents, accidents, or issues with said equipment and contents.

c. Complete this work without damaging the Oxidation Ditch tank walls or any surrounding equipment or structures.

d. The contractor must fix any damage caused by these activities including damage to landscaping where the removal work is completed.

i. At a minimum, any disturbed areas will be graded to match existing grade and areas will be dressed with black dirt and grass seed.

3. Scope of Services

a. Contractor to provide and use equipment to move solids in the oxidation ditch to a point where they can be removed.

b. Contractor to provide and use equipment to remove the solids from the oxidation ditch and deposit them in containers or trucks to be hauled to the landfill for disposal.

i. All disposal costs will be the responsibility of the contractor.

ii. Once the contractor’s vehicle, container and contents have left the City of Becker Wastewater Treatment Facility, the contractor is wholly responsible for any incidents, accidents, or issues with said equipment and contents.

b. The contractor must provide the containers or trucks used to haul the solids to the landfill. 

2. Required Bid Content

a. Company contact information.

i. Company name

ii. Contact person’s name

iii. Contact email

iv. Contact phone #

b. Contractor’s Insurance.

i. Prior to commencement of the work described, the contractor shall furnish the city satisfactory written evidence that the applicant will keep in effect public liability insurance coverage for not less than the following amounts or greater where required by Laws and Regulations:

1. Worker’s Compensation and related 


a. State: Statutory

b. Federal, if applicable 

(e.g., Longshoreman’s): Statutory

c. Employer’s Liability:

i. Provide a Certificate of Insurance showing evidence of Worker’s Compensation coverage or provide evidence of qualification as a self-insurer of Worker’s Compensation.

d. Foreign voluntary worker compensation: Statutory

2. Contractor’s Commercial General Liability:

a. General Aggregate $2,000,000

b. Products - Completed Operations Aggregate $2,000,000

c. Personal and Advertising Injury $1,000,000

d. Each Occurrence (Bodily Injury and Property Damage) $1,000,000

e. Property damage liability insurance will provide Explosion, Collapse, and Underground (XCU) coverages where applicable.

3. Automobile Liability:

a. Bodily Injury:

i. Each person $1,000,000

ii. Each Accident $1,000,000

b. Property Damage:

i. Each Accident $1,000,000

4. Excess or Umbrella Liability:

a. General Aggregate $2,000,000

b. Each Occurrence $1,000,000

5. Contractor’s Pollution Liability:

a. Each Occurrence $1,000,000

b.General Aggregate $2,000,000

6. Additional Insureds: Include the following as additional insureds:

a. City of Becker

c. Indemnification.  

i. Prior to commencement of the work described, the contractor shall, in writing, agree to indemnify and hold the City harmless from any liability for injury or damage arising out of the action of the applicant in performance of the work, or any expense whatsoever incurred by the City incident to a claim or action brought or commenced by any person arising therefrom.

b. Estimated fee to complete this solids removal and disposal project.

i. Project cost will cover: 

1. Removing the solids from the oxidation ditch.

2. Hauling the solids to the landfill.

3. Cost to dispose the solids at the landfill.

5. Preliminary schedule

a. Proposals due to the city by 3 PM on October 22nd, 2024

b. Selection of contractor by October 25th, 2024

c. Project completion on or before December 31st, 2024

Thank you for your interest in providing the City of Becker WWTF with this service.  We look forward to receiving your proposal.  If you have any questions related to this removal and disposal project or to schedule a time to visit the WWTF and look at the scope of the work including the volume of the solids to be removed, please contact me at 612-619-5655 or via email at  If you can not reach me, please contact Troy Zwilling (Water/Wastewater Supervisor) at 320-428-5779 for assistance.

I strongly encourage a site visit to look at how much solids are in the oxidation ditch – staff will assist as needed, but it is the sole responsibility of the contractor bidding to estimate the amount of solids in the oxidation ditch.

/s/ Chris Lisson

Public Works and Parks Assistant Director

City of Becker

(Published in the Patriot: 10/12/24, 10/19/24.)