Saturday, September 7th, 2024 Church Directory

Ordinance No. 176, 2nd Series An Interim Ordinance Establishing A Moratorium Temporary Prohibiting Solar Energy Systems As A Principal Use In The City Of Becker:

The following official summary of the interim ordinance referred to has been approved by the City Council of Becker as clearly informing the public of the intent and effect of the interim ordinance.
Chapter 11, Land Use Regulations (Zoning)
This interim ordinance establishes a moratorium prohibiting solar energy systems as a principal use in all zoning districts to allow the City adequate time to study and consider appropriate land use controls regulating solar energy production or generation. The ordinance shall remain in effect until the adoption of the official controls or December 16, 2015, whichever occurs first, unless properly extended pursuant to state law.
A printed copy of the entire ordinance is available for inspection by any person at City Hall any Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
This document hereby is made a part of this ordinance and is attached hereto.
/s/ L. Kleis, Mayor
/s/ Julie Blesi, City Clerk
(Published in the Sherburne County Citizen: 12/20/14.)