Friday, September 20th, 2024 Church Directory

Notice Of Public Meeting

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Sherburne County Water Plan Committee will conduct a public meeting during their regularly scheduled Water Plan committee meeting to hear public comment on water quality priorities to be addressed in the Sherburne County Water Plan Update, which modifies the set course for water resource management activities that Sherburne County will pursue over a 10 year term (2017 -2027). 
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the above hearing will be held on Tuesday, September 22, 2012 at 5:45pm at the Sherburne County History Center., Becker, MN 55308.
ANYONE wishing to appear with input into local water priorities should attend this meeting or email Tiffany Determan at the email below.  The current Water Plan can be reviewed at:
Tiffany Determan
Water Plan Coordinator/Water Resource Specialist
Sherburne SWCD
(Published in the Sherburne County Citizen: 09/19/15.)