Town of Becker, Sherburne County, Minnesota
Sealed proposals for the furnishing of all labor, materials and equipment for the realignment and bituminous surfacing of a segment of 137th Street lying southwesterly of Trunk Highway 10 in the Town of Becker, Sherburne County, will be received by the Becker Town Board of Supervisors at the Becker Township Hall, 12165 Hancock Street SE, P.O. Box 248, Becker, MN, 55308, until 7:30 P.M. on July 20, 2015 and then will be opened and publicly read aloud.
General Description
The projects consist of the following major items of work:
Approximately 714 Cubic Yards of common excavation.
Placement of 978 tons of Class 5 aggregate base.
Culvert installation.
Placement of 175 tons of bituminous non-wear course.
Placement of 175 tons of bituminous wear course.
Installation of a concrete median.
Traffic control.
Erosion and sediment control.
Turf establishment.
And other related items of work.
Contract Description
The contract is a unit price contract and is described in the Bid Package.
Project Schedule
All work included in the contract shall be completed within 20 working days of date of commencement as stated in the Notice to Proceed.
Project Plans and Documents
The Bid Package as prepared by Bogart, Pederson & Associates, Inc., Civil Engineer, is on file in the office of said Engineer located at 13076 First Street, Becker, Minnesota.
Copies of the Bid Package for use by Contractors in submitting a bid may be obtained from the office of Bogart Pederson & Associates, Inc. for a non-refundable fee of $50.00 for paper sets or $20.00 for electronic sets.
The Town Board reserves the right to waive any informalities or to reject any or all bids.
No bidder may withdraw his bid within 30 days of the actual date of opening thereof.
Each bid must be accompanied by a Bid Bond in an amount equal to 5% of the bid
Date: 22 June 15 Gary Hammer
Becker Town Board Chair
(Published in the Sherburne County Citizen: 06/27/15; 07/04/15.)