Tuesday, February 11th, 2025 Church Directory

Yes, Penny, there is a Santa Claus

Like most children in the United States, I grew up believing in Santa Claus. My parents told me about him, I watched television shows he starred in, and I even got to meet him a couple of times. I believed wholeheartedly. 

I vividly remember waking up early Christmas morning, afraid that Santa hadn’t brought me anything but coal, and the incredible relief I felt when I came down the stairs and found festively wrapped gifts with my name on them.

Years later, I continued the tradition, introducing my own children to Santa Claus. They would wait impatiently in line to sit on his lap, agonize over what to ask him for, and try really hard to be well-behaved so he would grant their wish. They would write him letters and leave him the traditional offering of cookies and milk. Because everyone in our household is an animal lover, we also put out carrots for the reindeer. (And for the Easter Bunny, but that’s another story).

Some people believe telling kids about the fat, white-bearded man is wrong. You’re lying to them and betraying their trust. I’ve never felt that way. In fact, I believe there are many benefits to the jolly old soul.

Santa Claus embodies the spirit of giving, reminding us to be kind and generous to others. He epitomizes the power of forgiveness, while as he judges each child based on their behavior – naughty or nice – he also forgives and offers second chances, just like we should. 

Most importantly, his ability to travel around the world using flying reindeer (one with a glowing red nose) to leave gifts for every child on earth encourages us to believe in miracles and to maintain our faith. 

Believing in Santa introduces kids to the magic of the season. It helps create joyful, fun family experiences. It provides opportunities for shared belief, and once grown, reliving childhood memories with others. It encourages kindness and generosity, and of course, being good to one another so Santa won’t bring you coal. 

Santa Claus is truly the spirit of Christmas and the faith to believe in what we can’t see. None of us has ever caught the ‘real’ Santa leaving presents on Christmas Eve, just like none of us were alive to witness the birth of Christ. Yet we still believe and have faith, and that’s the real significance of the day.