Saturday, May 4th, 2024 Church Directory

To The Editor

My wife and I recently sold our home on the local nine and have moved from the Becker community so I no longer have any skin in the game. However I feel I need to make a couple of comments regarding Pebble Creek Golf Course.
I travel extensively for business and when I would tell people where I was from it was always the same comment, I love your golf course or that’s where the big furniture store is. I would suggest to any resident of the Becker community that if you have never taken the time to stand on the deck at the club house and look down the number one fairway you need to do it and then I believe you will understand what a gem the community has. The view is stunning!
Unfortunately there are not a lot of other amenities in Becker for people with out children in school. Limited shopping, no theatre, bowling alley and limited places to go for a nice dinner. My hope is that the people in Becker would embrace this outstanding asset. 
In closing I would suggest that if the Mayour is trying to really fix something, concentrate on making the rail crossings silent so the good people of Becker can get a decent night’s sleep and maybe even have their windows open. 
Brad Paskey,
Alexandria, MN.