Friday, September 20th, 2024 Church Directory

To The Editor

I am writing today in support of our school referendum and would like to encourage you to do the same. The cost for most homes would be around 50 cents a day. 
Are your children and grandchildren worth that?  Do you feel our future generation is worth that? I believe our generation, as a whole, are worth that. Most people spend more each day on a cup of coffee. Becker's school district currently spends less per student than other districts of the same size. They work hard to be frugal with our tax money.
Many people moved to this community for our excellent school system; I am asking you to help keep it strong. You may be thinking that you want to protest this referendum due to your dissatisfaction with certain things or people in the district, or the way things are done, or with the curriculum, or with administration costs. 
This list could go on, but the only thing you do by your protest is hurt your children and mine. This isn't just about one child. This is about all of our children. If the referendum doesn't pass, the kids' class sizes will increase, programs will be eliminated, fees will increase and many more cuts will be made. 
In short, our children's education will be diminished. Voting “yes” will keep us strong for ten more years. Vote “no” and the children will be the ones who will pay the price, but don't worry, you can still get your $3 coffee everyday.
Shelley Mattson,
Becker, MN.