Tuesday, May 14th, 2024 Church Directory

To The Editor

This is in response to “Golf course holds many telling truths” from the 4/23 edition and the Letters to the Editor in recent weeks.  Mr. Morgan, Mr. Brannan and Mr. Whittaker all shared several valid points on the numerous benefits the golf course has provided the Becker community over the years, from jobs to charitable events. These are all fantastic benefits our community has enjoyed from this wonderful establishment. However, all of those ‘benefits’ still exist whether Pebble Creek is publically or privately owned.  
I also want to point out that I appreciate Mr. Morgan informing the citizens the small $4-$9 investment that we make to fund the golf course each year. The issue I have is that is not whole story. Yes, we pay larger sums for Fire, Police, Public Works and Parks & Rec, as we should be, they benefit 100% of the citizens of Becker. What Mr. Morgan fails to point out with his math is the golf course is losing money, large sums of money, each year. The operating losses from the Pebble Creek Financial Summary from 2010-2014 totals $1,503,469. Utilizing the 2010 census data, Becker has 1,526 households and 4,538 citizens. So, using Mr. Morgan’s methodology, that works out to an average of $197 per household per year, (or $66 per year for every man, woman and child in the city of Becker) being paid to cover these loses, much higher than $4-$9. Yes, these funds to cover the loses come from the general fund, but that fund is supplemented by tax payer dollars.  
I personally do not want to see the course closed, I want to see it run responsibly, and within its budget, so I am truly only paying $4-$9 per year.  The current leadership at the golf course has had numerous opportunities to manage it with little success. It is time to admit the current leadership is not being good stewards of the tax payer’s money and move on, to either new management or a new, private owner
Chris Berger,
Becker, MN.