Tuesday, May 14th, 2024 Church Directory

To The Editor

On behalf of Bryce’s (cancer sucks) garage sale we would like to thank the people and businesses that helped make it another success.
Without the help of these people it would not have been as great as it was.
With that been said we would like to thank: John Reibel and the American Legion for the use of the Legion Club. The Santiago Lioness Club for all their help and donations.
Becker Fire Dept. (Dave & Matt) for taking Bryce under their wing and showing him total respect and helping with the hauling and set up for the sale.
Kevin & Debbie Olson for the donation of the double oven and flour and sugar for the banana bread that was baked and sold (170 loaves) in memory of their mother.
Becker Screen and Print for printing the shirts. Monticello V.F.W. for the donation of $800. Thank you so much. And to all the people who came out and supported the sale without you it would have not been as successful as it was, $4001. Thank you and God bless you. 
Bryce Roelike,
Becker, MN.