Monday, May 6th, 2024 Church Directory

Something in the Stars

Fate or destiny? “A hidden power believed to control what will happen in the future,” says Merriam Webster. Is it true that the events in our lives are predestined? I can’t help but wonder about it all and how everything falls into place. 

For some of us, our faith tells us “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. “ God has it all laid out.

It has been said, “there is someone for everyone” and “beauty is in the eye of the beholder,’ but what about soulmates? Is there such a special person? Someone you have an instant connection, a liking and are drawn too? Is it possible for a soul to recognize another? I believe there is.

Mom and dad met, March 9, 1955 in Norfolk, VA. Dad was from Buffalo, MN and mom was from Newport, RI. Thousands of miles apart, each growing up in different surroundings. Dad joined the Navy out of high school and mom’s dad was an officer in the Navy. What would be the odds of their meeting?

The year was 1953.  Mom was living on the U.S. Naval base in Guantanamo, Cuba. Dad was on an aircraft carrier that just came into Cuba. Mom was part of the high school dance group on the base. The admiral thought it would be nice if the dance group went out to the aircraft carrier and performed. 

Dad noticed her in the dance line. He told his friend, I’m going to date her,:

His friend chuckled and said, “Like that would ever happen? She’s here and we’ll be leaving soon, you don’t know where they will be stationed.”

Norfolk, VA, 1955. Dad was 22 and finishing out his tour of duty. Mom’s dad was transferred back to the states. What would the chances be? 

Mom was 18 and working. She decided to go out one evening with a friend, roller skating and took the bus. It just so happened that dad and his friend were on this bus. Who would have thought? Not knowing where he wanted to go, until he spotted mom. His friend asked, where are we going? Dad replied, “Wherever she gets off.” 

Standing in line at the roller rink, dad tapped her on the shoulder. He said, “Don’t I know you?” They found out that they had a mutual friend where mom was working. They started talking and skating by each other. 

Later that evening, dad’s friend asked mom where she had traveled through the Navy. She said, “I was in Cuba.”  He then asked her, “Were you in a dance group on the base that came out to an aircraft carrier and performed?” Mom answered, “Yes, I was. 

She was the girl dad pointed out that night, the one he wanted to date. Destiny, fate and soulmate were about to meet.

After the roller skating, there was a band at the rink. Unchained Melody was played and they had their first dance. Dad walked mom home, where he kissed her under a starlit night. Seven months later, they married and were together 58 years before dad passed away. 

All the twists and throughout their lives and their paths crossing years before. How did it all come about? Just a coincidence or was it planned on a higher level? Makes me think how many others have had similar encounters. 

I definitely think there is a destiny. People come into our lives for a reason. Sometimes for the good, sometimes for love and other times for lessons that are not easy. God’s timing and a purpose come into play. 

Happy heavenly anniversary Mom and Dad.