Tuesday, February 11th, 2025 Church Directory

Pass the Cold Days with Board Games

During this latest cold snap, my husband and I have been having date nights at home so we don’t have to brave the cold. During these date nights, we break out our favorite pastime: board games. If you are also in a semi-hibernative state and want something fun to do with your partner or family, here are a few recommendations I have, if you’re tired of playing the same basic staples like Uno and Monopoly!

Exploding Kittens is a family-friendly version of Russian Roulette. In each deck, there are bombs called “exploding kittens.” The goal is to be the last player to be blown up. Other cards in the deck give you power ups like skipping your turn, looking at the top cards, and defusing an exploding kitten safely and putting it back in the deck. The cards are illustrated with hilarious cartoons that will have the kids giggling (and the adults too!) There are a bunch of variations on the game out now, so once you try the original version you can pick up a variant (or seven). Exploding Kittens also has a large library of other games which are all pretty great. 

Betrayal at the House on the Hill has been the latest hit with our friends on game night. This game has some darker themes so I’d recommend it for families with older kids. You need 3-6 players for this one. You pick a character and start exploring an old haunted mansion. You get to explore new rooms which could be rigged with booby traps or have hidden items. During the middle of the game, one of the players turns traitor and tries to take out all the others. You win by dispatching the traitor (or, if you’re the traitor, by taking out the other players!)

If competition isn’t your thing, try Fox in the Forest Duet. Working together with a partner, you guide a lone fox through the woods collecting gems. You can move the fox a certain number of spaces by putting down movement cards. But don’t go too far! Or else you’ll run right out of the forest and have to start over. And here’s the catch: no talking to your partner! You have to guess what’s in their hand and move the fox piece without communicating!

I hope you all survive the cold and maybe even have fun while you do!