Friday, October 18th, 2024 Church Directory

Letters To The Editor


I call BS. Received the spring Sherburne County “Connection & Environmental Educator” newspaper the other day.  On page 2 is the first part of a series of articles titled, “Fight Food Waste”, apparently built on the premise that “The average American household throws out 40% of the food they buy”. I’m calling bulls***.  I challenge any of readers of this paper to write in confirming that they throw out 40% of the food that they purchase. If Sherburne County can publish a story based on such an obviously absurd statement, how can I take anything else they say or promote seriously?  The County has ruined its credibility.

Bret R. Collier

Big Lake, MN


I hope and pray everyone had a blessed Memorial Day.  Always remember the true meaning of Memorial Day.  We remember those who gave their lives for our country. We bless all past,  present and future veterans.  Special thank-you to the American Legion honor guard for visiting the many cemeteries throughout the county.  Thanks for the Becker community and all of the guests that were able to enjoy the luncheon.  Thanks to everyone who made it possible.  We could not have done it without your help, you truly are the hands and feet of Jesus.  Blessings to all and God Bless America - one nation under God.  

Nellie Simpson & 

Paula Hinds

American Legion Auxiliary