Saturday, July 27th, 2024 Church Directory

Letters To The Editor


I Vote “Turnip”. First, Nancy Pelosi created rules in the House allowing for members to vote by proxy, which actually means that your elected official is worthless as their vote is not their vote, it’s the vote of Pelosi if you are a democrat.  (Note, a federal judge last week ruled that the US House of Representatives violated the Constitution using proxy voting to pass major spending bill in late 2022.1)  Proxy voting is not democratic.  You are giving your vote to someone who will not necessarily  vote the way you view the issue, and perhaps will vote the direct opposite of how you would have voted, or how their constitutes would have wanted you  to vote. If Pelosi does the voting for Craig, Phillips, McCollum and Omar, why are we paying for these representatives in the first place as they are not “representing”? Now with nearly 46,000 democrats voting “uncommitted”, Minnesota is sending (11) delegates to the DNC National Convention, delegates not dedicated/obligated to vote for the person 46k Minnesotans want to see as the democrat party nominee, but (11) individuals that could vote for if they want a “turnip”.  But all humor aside, what is happening here is that the powers in Washington DC are attempting to remove the voice of the individual voter from the equation.  It’s not just the democrats, but republicans too, it’s just that the democrats are better at doing it.

Bret R. Collier

Big Lake, MN 


I am pleased to officially declare my intention to run for re-election as Mayor of Big Lake. Our community has made significant strides forward, and I am enthusiastic about continuing to represent the needs and aspirations of its residents. By announcing my candidacy early, I aim to underscore my unwavering commitment to serving this wonderful community. There is still much work ahead! For further details, please visit

Paul Knier

Big Lake Mayor


The Republican convention for House District 27A was held on Saturday, March 9, 2024, in the Becker high school auditorium. This “grass roots” convention was the first step in selecting Republican candidates for state and federal offices. We selected delegates to Congressional District and State Party conventions, where they will join other delegates to endorse candidates. I would like to thank the many volunteers whose efforts made it a successful day. State Representative Shane Mekeland and State Senator Andrew Mathews inspired us to get out the Republican vote in November. Congressman Tom Emmer gave a fiery speech about the need to take back our country from the deep state. The HD27A basic political organizational unit (“BPOU”) meets the third Wednesday of every month at KJ’s Getaway in Orrock. Local Republicans discuss the actions of local government entities, and plan how to work for Republican candidates. We might not agree on all the policies of the Republican party, but we know the direction we want to see our country going is tied to solid conservative values. We invite you to join us in working toward a better America!

Kristi Faul, HD27A chair

Becker, MN