Tuesday, March 11th, 2025 Church Directory

Letter To The Editor

I am writing to you in response to the decision that was made at the City Council meeting on Tuesday, April 7 to approve the $65,000 bunker 8 and 9 upgrades. My husband and I would first like to thank Mayor Jerome (Lefty) Kleis and City Council member Rick Hendrickson for voting to oppose more spending on a business that has hemorrhaged the city of more than $3,510, 099 of tax payers money over the duration of its 27 year existence in Becker.  We would also like to state how thoroughly disappointed we are in the other City Council members Adam Oliver, Tracy Bertram and Lori Keller for approving more wasteful spending of the taxpayers money without even having a solid business plan in place for the Pebble Creek Golf course.  
Since 2004 the Becker City Council has approved spending over $2,613,191 to cover the debt accrued at Pebble Creek Golf Course. In fact, there have only been four years in the 27 year duration that have ended in financial profit to the city.  How will this loss of revenue impact this community moving forward? With the uncertainty of Sherco's future in our community we need to start building a foundation of financial stability now so this financial abyss doesn't become a real nightmare.
It was also approved by the City Council members Rick Hendrickson, Lori Keller, Adam Oliver and Tracy Bertram to approve Resolution 15-19 at the City Council Meeting held on Tuesday, April 7 that forgave Hunters Ridge (The same owner of The NIX) of the money that was still owed.  The motion to approve this resolution has resulted in a "forgiveness" or "absorption" of debt accrued by the owner's of Hunter's Ridge in the approximate amount of $42,000. I can't help but wonder what this kind of action says to other business and property owners in Becker? Can they too stop paying their utilities owed to the city up to $42,000 as well? What kind of impact does this debt elimination have on the community as a whole? Becker City Taxes have been going up annually for at least the past two years and I can't help but think: “Does this kind of poor financial decision voted on by the City Council members have a direct effect on our ever increasing financial responsibility that we the tax payers are reluctantly picking up?” I believe so. Where is the accountability?
I would like to close by saying thank you to Mayor Kleis for the continued support of the tax payer in this community by opposing tax increases and wasteful city council spending.
Corrine Lozinski,
Becker, MN.