Thursday, April 25th, 2024 Church Directory

Letter to the Editor

In response to Congressman Emmer.

The Tax Foundations analysis of President Biden’s tax proposals in my eyes almost exclusively land on those earning $400,000 per year and/or those earning over $1,000,000 in capital gains. I’ve looked at a number of conservative sites and unquestionably earnings of $400,000 per year puts you in the top 2% -5% of earners in the nation.Are some people’s earnings more sacred than others? A dollar is simply a dollar, it doesn’t matter if it were earned by investment, farming, bookkeeping, housekeeping, teaching or in any other manner and those with $400,000 per year can pay taxes. We have a growing national debt for good and bad reasons. When the government spends in a recession it stimulates the economy. Therefore, when a government spends at any time, it contributes to a growing economy.  In my research this is an undisputed fact, therefore cutting spending will have a negative impact on GDP and the welfare of the American people. Fiscal responsibility in this case is raising taxes to reduce debt. Government spending on the welfare of the American people is what we need. Spending money on schools, rail, water, roads and 21st century infrastructure enhance the lives of the American people. Government waste is subsidizing businesses, especially businesses with millions/billions in assets. Congressman Emmer; I want to see you sending spending to our community enhancing our collective welfare as opposed to defending the wealthiest of 5% of Americans who disproportionately benefit at the common person’s expense.   

Shannon Polenik

Clear Lake, MN