Friday, May 17th, 2024 Church Directory

Imagine Easter In A Whole New Way

With Easter occurring this weekend, lessons can be learned from the story of the Man who came to Earth, preached, died and rose from the dead.
Imagine if abortion was as prevalent in 0 B.C. as it is in today’s modern world. The man we call Jesus, the Son of God, could have been subject to the risk of being aborted by his young mother and unwed father. It would be so easy for a Mary today to walk into a clinic and ask doctors to cease the pregnancy in hopes of not ruining one’s future or reputation.
Imagine the father not wanting to be burdened by devoting the rest of his life to a woman who he was betrothed to getting pregnant. Imagine the father saying, “I’ll pay for the abortion”, just as casually as telling his girlfriend, “I’ll pay for dinner.”
Imagine had the opportunity — that is so endemic in today’s world — been an option in the Holy Land during the first century. It’s no wonder God chose the first century on purpose for the world to be delivered from sin.
Preaching Out
Imagine a man like Christ in today’s world trying to minister to people and change the world. Back in the days of Jesus, people looked up to the wise and those who preached sense, truth and logic. Today, people get mocked and ridiculed for their proclamations and sometimes get criticized for taking a stand for good above evil.
Imagine how Jesus’ testimony would be received in today’s Twitter and Facebook world. Imagine the memes people would create lampooning the words of Christ and his messages. Truth, salvation and common sense would make late night talk shows and mocked on SNL.
Imagine how Stephen Colbert, Ellen Degeneres and the women on The View would use His own words to twist it to fit their agendas, to get laughs.
God chose the first century on purpose for the world to be delivered from sin.
Dying to Live
Imagine Jesus’ death being treated in today’s modern world. Instead of just people mourning the public execution of a beloved man, you’d have enemies of Christ lining the boulevards with signs saying, “I hope your legs get broken”, or “This man is not my God.”
Imagine the riots that would ensue and the chaos breaking out as believers and non-believers lashed out with guns and knives and bombs. Imagine how difficult it would be to get Jesus’ message out to a mob culture who doesn’t believe in things unless they hear or see it on corrupt news stations or un-reliable social media venues.
Imagine how quickly Jesus’ supporters would be reviled instead of listened to in today’s world.
God chose the first century on purpose for the world to be delivered  from sin.
Rising to the Challenge
Imagine the clamor for evidence of the resurrection in today’s world compared to the first Easter. People are more inclined to believe there are Sasquatches and aliens and UFOs than to believe Jesus Christ rolled away the rock that covered His tomb. Imagine how difficult it would be for people to believe in the resurrection since no “video” or “photos” exist of the incident.
Imagine how quickly Jesus’ closest followers would be identified and posters of their likenesses distributed to every TV station, every newspaper and every telephone pole within minutes, hours and days of the “so-called” resurrection. Imagine the plethora of nay-sayers and skeptics spreading false rumors more quickly than those who were Jesus’ best friends.
God chose the first century on purpose for the world to be delivered  from sin.
Easter Sunday
Imagine celebrating Easter for the meaning behind the holiday. Imagine attending a church service or gathering family for a friendly meal where Christ’s teachings are discussed. 
Imagine voting for politicians who believe in the sanctity of life. Imagine spreading the Good News instead of the atrocities, lies and fake news of this world.
Imagine standing for the good rather than defending the bad. Imagine believing in the truth of the Bible and in Jesus Christ that has never been proven to be a hoax since day one.
Imagine Jesus helping you push the stone from your heart  and resurrecting your life.
Happy Easter Everyone!