Tuesday, February 11th, 2025 Church Directory

Back to Work

I, State Rep. Shane Mekeland, R-Clear Lake, returned to the Capitol on Tuesday to perform the oath of office in the Minnesota House of Representatives as a member of the 94th Legislature.

I was re-elected to the House for a fourth term in November. I serve District 27A in western Sherburne County – including the cities of Becker, Big Lake and surrounding areas. I will serve on three House committees this biennium, related to energy, labor/workforce and housing.

You can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude performing the oath of office in our beautiful Capitol building. You start thinking about all the people who served before you and the hard work they did to build the House into the remarkable institution that it is. It’s exciting to know that after spending the last several months talking about the most important issues facing the people of our state, we finally get to roll up our sleeves and get to work. We have a lot of work to do after two years of one-party control enacting reckless spending, unnecessary tax increases and extreme policies in Minnesota. I’m happy to be back at the Capitol so we can get started.

Mekeland said House Republicans recently shared a list of priorities for the 2025 legislative session. They include:

• Stop the Fraud;

• Make Minnesota Affordable

• Make Minnesota Safe

• Raise Standards, Reduce Mandates

• Minnesota Tax Dollars for Minnesotans

• Build for the Future

I’ve said I always welcome correspondence throughout the session and encourage District 27A residents to call (651) 296-241 or email rep.shane.mekeland@house.mn.gov to get in touch. I also provide periodic email updates and citizens can sign up to receive them at my official state website: www.house.mn/27a.