Tuesday, February 11th, 2025 Church Directory

An Honor to Return

Minnesota’s 2025 Legislative Session officially began today as I, Representative Paul Novotny (R – Elk River) and 66 other Republican state representatives took the oath of office during a ceremony held at the State Capitol in St. Paul.

It is an honor to return to St. Paul to serve as your state representative in the legislature. This year’s session will be a busy one as we focus on keeping our communities safe, ensuring justice for crime victims, and protecting the financial well-being of Minnesota families, especially our senior citizens. Public safety is one of my top priorities this session, and I will continue working to prevent crime across our state, ensuring that crime victims receive the support and justice they deserve. I am also focused on addressing the projected budget deficit by putting an end to years of automatic budget increases and reckless spending that have led to a bloated state government. In November, Minnesotans voted to restore balance to state government, and I am committed to bringing commonsense budgeting back to St. Paul by putting Minnesota families first, providing responsible funding only to programs that work, and capping the tax increase for families and senior citizens across Minnesota.

Most of my work during the first months of the session will occur in House committees. For the 2025-2026 legislative biennium, I will serve as the lead Republican on the Public Safety Finance and Policy Committee. I have also been assigned to the Higher Education Finance and Policy Committee, as well as the Ways and Means Committee.

I encourage constituents in District 30B to stay involved and reach out if they have any legislative questions or concerns. I am always ready to listen to those I serve and values your ideas and feedback. I can be reached at 651-296-4237 or via email at rep.paul.novotny@house.mn.gov. 

To stay informed, constituents can subscribe to my newsletter at www.house.mn.gov or follow him on social media at https://www.facebook.com/RepPaulNovotny/.